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Complaints against Police rudeness

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Power corrupts,the cop on the street sometimes thinks he/she's better than the people they are supposed to serve,then again in their defence they do put up with a lot of crap so I suppose its finding the correct balance,I mean what use is it being polite to a drunken yob in the middle of Hillsborough last thing at night

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While it's true that there are elements in the Police that shouldn't be there, isn't that true of any profession?


I was recently stopped by the Police under suspicion of driving a stolen vehicle. Throughout the whole encounter, even before they realised their mistake (misreading of one letter on my licence plate), they were perfectly polite and professional.

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No wonder their officers are rude when they get treated like rubbish day in, day out!!


Surely they would have to leave the station for this to happen? Don't you realize what that would mean? Paperwork left undone, doughnuts unconsumed and going stale. Where would it all end?


Cut the police some slack I say. It's a hard life attacking cripples, hitting a man from behind and killing him and batoning defenseless women.


If you wonder why people like me utterly detest the police, then this might explain it:


Police give up the fight as yobs take over


Sir Denis O'Connor, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary, says the rowdy and abusive behaviour of yobs is a "disease" within communities that has been allowed to "fester" because police have retreated from the streets in the past two decades.


In a report, he claims that forces have been guilty of chasing crime statistics and targets and ignoring anti-social behaviour or "screening out" 999 calls because it is deemed "not real police work".




Or how about:


Revealed: how police fiddle crime figures


How police fiddle their crime figures and cheat the public


Stop spinning and fiddling the figures - and start locking up criminals


I can live with the police being corrupt, but incompetent and ineffectual too?

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Surely they would have to leave the station for this to happen? Don't you realize what that would mean? Paperwork left undone, doughnuts unconsumed and going stale. Where would it all end?


Cut the police some slack I say. It's a hard life attacking cripples, hitting a man from behind and killing him and batoning defenseless women.


If you wonder why people like me utterly detest the police, then this might explain it:






Or how about:


Revealed: how police fiddle crime figures


How police fiddle their crime figures and cheat the public


Stop spinning and fiddling the figures - and start locking up criminals


I can live with the police being corrupt, but incompetent and ineffectual too?



I wondered when the attack was going to come. Nowt like generalising an entire profession for the actions of a few :loopy:


I suppose the next time someone kicks your head in or steals your possessions, you will fall on your sword and practice what you preach. No point going to those you 'detest' for help.

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Surely they would have to leave the station for this to happen? Don't you realize what that would mean? Paperwork left undone, doughnuts unconsumed and going stale. Where would it all end?


Cut the police some slack I say. It's a hard life attacking cripples, hitting a man from behind and killing him and batoning defenseless women.


If you wonder why people like me utterly detest the police, then this might explain it:






Or how about:


Revealed: how police fiddle crime figures


How police fiddle their crime figures and cheat the public


Stop spinning and fiddling the figures - and start locking up criminals


I can live with the police being corrupt, but incompetent and ineffectual too?


But there are some, in fact most of the police force who are hard working and dedicated. Are you one of these who adheres to the scum code of not talking to the police because it makes you a grass innit? I am sure when the time is right you'll be grateful for them. I imagine if you deal with the things they do on a daily basis you will become a little hardened in your approach to your dealing with the public, especially an ungrateful public who don't quite realise how much work a lot of these people put in.


Corruption is everywhere in all walks of life and always will be, just don't tar everyone with the same brush

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Surely they would have to leave the station for this to happen? Don't you realize what that would mean? Paperwork left undone, doughnuts unconsumed and going stale. Where would it all end?


Cut the police some slack I say. It's a hard life attacking cripples,


Sometimes the full story isn't so exciting. The 'cripple' managed to walk up the stairs and to the roof of Millbank Tower with the other protesters on the day that the fire extinguisher was chucked off. But in general, the Met do have some serious navel gazing to do right now.



There's a guaranteed way to deal with police rudeness - don't get involved.


For their part, just imagine that you've spent the last 20 years of your working life dealing with everyone else's crap and some smart Alec comes up to you being clever about donuts or their right to shout obscenities in your face while sat in a wheelchair while you're trying to do your job of dealing with other people's crap. You might not be hugely amused either.

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People should expect this to get much worse before we see any improvement. We now have a political system where the people are subject to the will of authority, not where authority is subject to the will of the people. We are cattle to the robber barons whose only interest is to farm us accordingly. They care nothing about freedom, justice and liberty. Their only concern is about fostering our obedience to their rule.

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Ah but hasn't Mr Cameron promised us a bigger say, more control - I have to admit I'm not sure what he thinks we can do, though anyone working in a 'service' industry has to remember it.



Cameron has obviously been schooled by the same dark lords of the P.R industry Bliar was apprenticed to. He thinks by saying the word Freedom that this will magically translate into the reality. No I'm sorry Tory boy, but I am measuring the word freedom by the actual landscape we find ourselves in. Jobless, pot less and up a famous creek without a paddle. Freedom means options and we haven't any because your masters have plundered the coffers to line their own pockets.

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