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Complaints against Police rudeness

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I was stopped by a plainclothes policeman in Woolwich, London one afternoon while returning to the Royal Artllery Depot after two days leave.

"What's in that bag you're carrying?" he demanded talking to me like I was a piece of crap.

I said clothing and shaving gear.

"Open it" he ordered

I did so and he verified the contents as being what I had told him.

I gave him a bit of lip being pretty mad at the way he had spoken

When he drove off he said

"They're going to hang a bloke like you next week"

(That was Flossie Forsythe who was hanged for murder)


British police are among the best in the world but like any organisation there is always the ignorant arrogant twit who somehow manages to become part of it.

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Has anyone had any experience of this?


I have always found them to be polite and helpful, as I expect them to be.


When I have read reports about the police being rough, even brutal then I believe that sort of officer doesn't deserve to be in the police force and discredits the whole force.


The more power you give the police, the more they feel they do not need to answer to the general public.

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I was waiting outside a car garage for the mechanic to turn. A police woman pulled up, wound the window down asked if I worked there. There was no excuse me or no politeness. I told her what I was there for and she drove off. Absolutely no good manners on her part at all. I was very annoyed. I bet if she was in a posh area she would be full of sniles and manners. I have to say this was a one off incident. Generally the police are pretty polite and friendly.

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I was waiting outside a car garage for the mechanic to turn. A police woman pulled up, wound the window down asked if I worked there. There was no excuse me or no politeness. I told her what I was there for and she drove off. Absolutely no good manners on her part at all. I was very annoyed. I bet if she was in a posh area she would be full of sniles and manners. I have to say this was a one off incident. Generally the police are pretty polite and friendly.


She would probably pick on anyone if there was something about them she didn't like - posh or not - just the type who gets the police a bad name:rolleyes:

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