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Is Castle Market cheaper/ better than supermarkets?


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Like everyone I have noticed my weekly shopping bill has increased rather alot lately. I do all of my shopping at morrisons at the moment but I am spending more than I can really afford and much more than say a year ago. So I was wondering if castle market is cheaper than the supermarkets for meat and veg? Ideally I would go and buy enough meat for a month and freeze it, as I do not usually go into town. Is it cheaper? And also is the quality good? Or does anyone have recommendations of where to stock up on good meat, cheaper than the supermarkets?

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not sure about it been cheaper so cant help with that bit, but my other halfs nan swears buy buying everything from meat to veg there, shes also gets loads good kids clothes and toys as well as well as for adults. she goes weekly tho so not sure how helpful im been. but hope i helped

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Like everyone I have noticed my weekly shopping bill has increased rather alot lately. I do all of my shopping at morrisons at the moment but I am spending more than I can really afford and much more than say a year ago. So I was wondering if castle market is cheaper than the supermarkets for meat and veg? Ideally I would go and buy enough meat for a month and freeze it, as I do not usually go into town. Is it cheaper? And also is the quality good? Or does anyone have recommendations of where to stock up on good meat, cheaper than the supermarkets?


Good meat is found at castle market! I go down and stock up on all the meats I need for half of the price I would at a supermarket! I dont go there for anything else because Its not a place I like spending my time! :suspect:

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Thanks guys, I will go down then this week end and stock up. I know my mum always used to say the grocers where more expensive than the supermarkets so was not sure if the same applied to the market. I think I am also going to alternate between Asda and Morrisons, maybe Aldi too to pick up the different offers :)

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I used the market a lot in the past but now hardly use it as the prices are no longer any cheaper than some supermarkets. The cost of meat such as stew beef at Netto is cheaper and so is mince, chickens and bacon are about the same price. The quality of the cheaper veg and fruit can also be a bit dodgy especially from the stalls where you cant pick your own.


The costs will also rise as the market traders are now having to pay full rent and I doubt if they can compete for much longer. Probably why there are so many empty stalls now.

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Markets are always cheaper than supermarkets as there's genuine competition. If you don't like what you see on one stall or think it's too expensive then you can buy from the next stall. You don't get that in supermarkets where you're stuck with just one vendor.


It's just a pity our markets are in such a run down part of town where it's not very pleasant to go. I hope the same quality and choice can be kept and even improved when they move to The Moor.

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Slightly off topic,but we get our meat at source,(the farmer)25 chicken breast,(good size)for £20. 4 nice pieces of quality steak £10. etc: The difference in quality is by far more superior than the pumped-up water meat products the big stores churn out.

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