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New Phone Number for City Council - £22 million


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Saw this on the Star website, The Council want to have one number for all services and have stated that it will cost £22 million pounds to do it WHAT!! Where on earth do they get that figure from, and it would be interesting to see the breakdown for the costs.

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No doubt it'll be an 0845 and all computer menus rather than real people. So you'll be sat on the phone for about 45mins to get to a human who then tells you've connected to the wrong department and will transfer you then again waiting an eternity fore someone to answer until you give up

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No doubt it'll be an 0845 and all computer menus rather than real people. So you'll be sat on the phone for about 45mins to get to a human who then tells you've connected to the wrong department and will transfer you then again waiting an eternity fore someone to answer until you give up


That's my take on this total waste of money, too.


Dial in, and get answered by an operqtive, to connect you to the (hopefully) right department.


You pay to listen to Muzac or the ringing tone for god knows how long, whilst you wait for some drone to cotton on to the fact that a ringing phone needs to be picked up and answered.


And the dingbats are bringing in this idea, at a time when wonderful facilities like Surestart are being cut back drastically, and the city council access officers are being reduced from 1.5 to 0.5.


The disability charity I am involved with are faced with closure, if we are cut back any further. (we have cut back entirely to the bone, and minimised our outgoings, and have still endured a £6k cut over the last three years, and will have to pay more out of the reduced money than we receive.)


Pathetic. Just pathetic. and John Mothersole is there, being lauded for allowing his £184,000 annual salary to be cut by £9,000.

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