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An end to lower car insurance just because you're a woman

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No one accused anyone of racism, simply playing the race card which you did. As for your arguements being over my head. I doubt your agruements would go over the head of a mole.
What do you think 'playing the race card' means?


I think, and the world via google seems to agree with me, that it means accusing or implying that someone is a racist for holding a particular position, in order to discredit them.


Something that I absolutely have not done.


What did I do that constitutes 'playing the race card'?


I did however love your last paragraph. I think seeing flammingjimmy and well rounded arguement in the same sentence had me in tucks.
More personal insults, how refreshing. I guess it was foolish of me to think that reason would convince you, I should have gone for an appeal to emotion or something, but alas, too late now.
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What do you think 'playing the race card' means?






Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or racism into a debate


That is exactly what you did. If you don't know the difference between that and being accused of being a racist there isn't much left to discuss as you are quite clearly way out of your depth.

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Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or racism into a debate


Are you kidding? Did you even bother to look past the first sentence on that link?


Allow me to enlighten you:


"It is mostly used by the person accused of being prejudicial by the other. For instance, "He/she played a race card on me," means that "He/she accused me of being a racist, but it wasn't about race." On the other hand, the person "playing the race card" perceived the debate legitimately or not as being partially caused and/or influenced by race..."


That is the very next sentence after the one you quoted, and it says exactly what I said. Either you are too lazy to read more than one sentence, or you deliberately lied about the contents of the page, I wouldn't want to have to guess which. In any case, the wiki article which you have linked to goes on to clarify even further:


"In the less critical sense, the phrase is commonly used in two contexts. In the first, and more common context, it alleges that someone has deliberately and falsely accused another person of being a racist in order to gain some sort of advantage"


again, exactly what I said it meant.


So as we can see your very own source which you have provided backs up my position entirely, how amusing. :hihi:


I await your next insult with interest, will your ego or your reason win out? only time will tell.

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I don't think flamingjimmy 'played the race card', nor does he seem to have a problem with constructing an argument, you uptowngirl though seem to be unable to stop yourself resorting to insults and snide comments.

I disagree with flamingjimmy's position just like you do, but you don't prove anything by insulting someone.

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To uptown girl and vwkittie:


If it could be shown statistically that black people tended to be more likely than white people to claim on their car insurance would you also approve of black people having to pay more for car insurance?


If you could prove that short people tended to be more likely to claim on their car insurance than tall or average sized people would you also approve of short people having to pay more?


In fact I'd put good money betting that, were the current situation reversed, and it were men who got cheaper car insurance than women, that there would be a great deal more outrage than there currently is.


There's a big difference compared to the things you mention vwkittie, ie. location, type of car, number of miles. These are things you can choose and control, your gender is not (mostly).


Actually, in a way, the current situation is reversed. The case was originally tabled because women are disadvantaged when it comes to pension annuities. Due to their longer life expectancies the difference is typically as much as 10%. If the case is won it is expected that women's pension benefits will increase by 5%, and men's will decrease by 5% accordingly.


It just so happens that other financial products, such as motor insurance and life insurance, to women's disadvantage, will also be affected.


I think it's a good idea to be honest.


Claims history I agree with, but the more that specific factors are calculated into insurance premiums, the less it actually becomes insurance. One could even imagine some "minority report" sort of future where insurance simply becomes paying for the next year's costs in advance. :huh:

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Insurance companies set prices due to risk. If it is true that women as a whole have less claims then I do not see a problem with them having a lowere premium. Its like your house insurance. If you live in a post code area with higher crime then the premiums are higher.

Just like any other insurance instance, the company will evaluate the risk.

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I think that as all insurance is based on the risks involved everything should be considered. If you have a heart attack your health insurance goes up as it also does with age but who is to say at what age you are most likely to have a heart attack. House insurance goes up if you live near a river that could flood or if it is prone to subsidence. Travel insurance goes up when you turn 65. Car insurance should be fairly based on risk factors if you do low mileage it is reduced if you are retired it is reduced because you are not doing a daily commute. If you are in experienced what ever age or sex it should cost more but they just assume that boys are boy racers straight off and to be fair they are not all the same so in that case it is perhaps unfair.

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