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William Hague in hot water

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This is a joke told by the conservative minister.


English man, Scotish man and Irish man all talking about the names of their sons.


The Englishman said i named my son David after St Davids day, the Scottish man said I named my son Patrick after St Patricks day and then the Irish man said I named my son Pancake. b:D


I think its quite funny, but Mr Hague has been reported to Race relations.


What do you think.

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Originally posted by t020




I think that the PC brigade are, once again, taking things too seriously.


Perhaps, but isn't it about time that we came up with another way of telling these jokes without relying on the stereotype that all the Irish are stupid? Out of politeness if nothing else?

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Originally posted by chill

Perhaps, but isn't it about time that we came up with another way of telling these jokes without relying on the stereotype that all the Irish are stupid? Out of politeness if nothing else?


Why? I'm sure Irish people tell jokes about the English. Nothing wrong with banter. Turning everything into some kind of racial hatred campaign only serves to make mountains of molehills.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

I think the old Englishman, Scottish man and Irishman jokes are just good fun and mean no harm.

Its the jokes about disabled and ethnic jokes that are offensive and should be stopped.


How is a joke about 'ethnics', e.g. people from, say, Pakistan, any more or less offensive than a joke about Irish people??? Both are good fun and mean no harm. Race isn't an issue until the PC brigade make it one.

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A great deal depends on context. Many of these jokes are interchangeable with Polacks, Norwegians, Newfoundlanders, and the strange people in the next valley.


I gather from the thread that his joke has been reported to the CRE. By whom? A tabloid reporter? Possibly. I would be surprised if the CRE will do much more than issue a standard statement.

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Originally posted by t020



It's not a big deal, but it's just I whince a bit every time I hear Englishman/Irishman/Scotsman jokes, in the same way that I whince when I hear people make jokes about all Americans being stupid, or everyone in Liverpool nicking car wheels, or when people down south make out that everyone in Sheffield walks around with cloth caps and wippets when they're not down t' mine.

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