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William Hague in hot water

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Originally posted by chill

It's not a big deal, but it's just I whince a bit every time I hear Englishman/Irishman/Scotsman jokes, in the same way that I whince when I hear people make jokes about all Americans being stupid, or everyone in Liverpool nicking car wheels, or when people down south make out that everyone in Sheffield walks around with cloth caps and wippets when they're not down t' mine.


Hear hear! There is always a way to tell racist or nationistic jokes differently. How would the english/irish/scots joke be affected if you just used "first man" "second man" "third man"??


Not at all! The punchline is funny regardless (and the old irish jokes are getting a little thin these days, aren't they?)


So, mr hague should perhaps have thought a little before saying it, although I severly doubt it was meant in any other way than light humour...

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

A great deal depends on context. Many of these jokes are interchangeable with Polacks, Norwegians, Newfoundlanders, and the strange people in the next valley.


I gather from the thread that his joke has been reported to the CRE. By whom? A tabloid reporter? Possibly. I would be surprised if the CRE will do much more than issue a standard statement.

The people who reported him are the ones that took offence at his conference were he told a string of racial jokes.

I suppose the man in the street is different from a conservative Minister telling this type of humour as they have to work with stringent guidelines and i suppose this applied to Mr Haugh.

My personal opinion on Mr Haugh is that is a very funny man and quite humourous for a political minister which most of them don't know how to smile, you mind laugh.

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Originally posted by chill

It's not a big deal, but it's just I whince a bit every time I hear Englishman/Irishman/Scotsman jokes, in the same way that I whince when I hear people make jokes about all Americans being stupid, or everyone in Liverpool nicking car wheels, or when people down south make out that everyone in Sheffield walks around with cloth caps and wippets when they're not down t' mine.


Yet so many on here have referred to Southerners as 'softies' or 'poofs' before.


PS. What's a "wippet"?

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Haven't a clue, but I definitely don't walk around with one when I'm not down our soft Southern tin mine. Also don't need a cloth cap as it's far too warm down here. Has to be or all us West Country poofters would die of hypothermia!

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Originally posted by t020

Yet so many on here have referred to Southerners as 'softies' or 'poofs' before.

Which also makes me whince.


Originally posted by t020

PS. What's a "wippet"?

A misspelling of whippet. Sorry if that confused you. :)

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

The people who reported him are the ones that took offence at his conference were he told a string of racial jokes.

Nevertheless, so far this story is about some people who have reported Mr Hague to the CRE. A report about someone reporting someone else.


It has the feel of a non-story about it.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Nevertheless, so far this story is about some people who have reported Mr Hague to the CRE. A report about someone reporting someone else.


It has the feel of a non-story about it.


No. It gives further indication that we're becoming a nation of whinging, whining, hyper-Politically Correct do-gooders who take offence on the behalf of others, who may not (probably not) be offended by such jokes/comments in the first place.

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