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Prince William's visit to St. Andrews

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Secretive exclusive satanic type groups exist in the USA at places such as Yale !


People such as geroge bush have been members to groups like scull and bones!


What makes you think us Brits aren't good enough to have them also ?


Completely irrelevant, and if you think it is, then you must be even more deluded than I feared.


If you had spent 30 seconds using Google (you can do that on your iPhone) you would have found out what the St Andrews Alumni is, and realised it's not some sort of secretive exclusive satanic group.


Instead you jumped to the conclusion that it is some sort of conspiracy, solely because you didn't understand. Like I said, your inability to research the simplest of things, and tendancy to scream conspiracy at the slightest provocation should be kept in mind by others when reading your posts.

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Secretive exclusive satanic type groups exist in the USA at places such as Yale !


People such as geroge bush have been members to groups like scull and bones!


What makes you think us Brits aren't good enough to have them also ?


Remeber John Kerry and both Bushes have been memebers !


Can you say "delusional"?

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Can you say "delusional"?


Sorry are you calling me delusional for pointing out the fact that scull and bones exists ?


Or poiting out the fact that bush was and probley still is a memeber ??



Please can you tell me why you think I am crazy when I have presented video evidence ?

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Ok of secretive organisations don't exist such as scull and bones , or illuminati , or Bilderberg I will delete my sf account


There are billions upon billions of secretive organisations around the world. That doesn't mean they're all planning to enslave you.


Or that the St Andrews Alumni is one of them. It's quite difficult to be secretive when you have a website and an open admissions policy.

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There are billions upon billions of secretive organisations around the world. That doesn't mean they're all planning to enslave you.


Or that the St Andrews Alumni is one of them. It's quite difficult to be secretive when you have a website and an open admissions policy.


World history has shown than rich and powerful men only use thier influence for thier own benefit !


When world leaders and economic leaders meet behind closed doors WHAT do you think they are discussing how to improve your life ?



The fact that Bilderberg until very recently was kept out of the mainstream media shows how great of a influence these people have and shows they don't whant YOU too know they exist or what thier plans are !



And yea may be they do plan massive population reduction !

As they have wrote down in stone they plan too


See Georgia Guidestones



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