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The idiocy of conspiracy theorists


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Are they all idiots? Do they have a point? Should they be ignored? Do they serve a useful purpose?






Are they all idiots? Probably.


Should they be ignored? Largely, except to point out how stupid they are.



Do they serve a useful purpose? Arguably, yes. They remind normal folks how lucky they are.

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It 's quite obvious that the O / P , ' Tony ' [ or whoever he really is ?? ] has started this thread to tease out who amongst S.F are ' anti-conspiracy theorists '. They can expect a visit VERY soon.


Has anyone ever wondered why so many S.F. members have quietly disappeared over the years ? I remember some time back , let 's call the poster X, deriding the theory that the Salvation Army were behind Hitler & the Nazis. Shortly after that, X completely disappeared from Sheffield Forum ! Then, to cap it all, someone started a rumour that X was in a

' Special Hospital '.


Can 't say any more at the moment-----there 's a man in a grey raincoat standing opposite my house.

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Conspiracy theorists are boring nerds who all feed off each other and dismiss rationality and real evidence as government fabrications and anyone who believes in it as 'sheeple'. Obviously only the prophets of the attics know the truth.


You've obviously been told to say that by your lizard illuminati masters.

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Are they all idiots?


Of course. There are no conspiracies. Suez (protocol of Sèvres), Watergate, the 1953 CIA sponsored Iran coup, the Iran-Contra affair, CONTELPRO, Operation Mockingbird, or, if you fancy a real blast from the past, the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. None of these in fact actually happened.


I happen to know for a fact that Oliver Stone invented Watergate to promote his Nixon biopic. I had proof but it was stolen.


A sound argument against this conspiracy nonsense is that such things could not be kept secret. This is correct. After all, no one in 1945 was surprised about the atom bomb, the general public had known about the Manhattan Project for years.

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