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Utility companies increasing their prices

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I have just read about the water companies warning they are going to be putting prices in April, one company going up by up by almost 8%. Why are these companies allowed to get away with it? It's not just water though is it, they all do it, gas and electric as well. People are expected to take pay cuts and put up with ever increasing costs. Cameron and his rich cronies in the government should not allow prices to increase above the rate of inflation, trouble is they have probably got shares in the companies and don't want to lose their dividends, or their rich backers.



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indeed, ive always wondered about the same thing, seems US the customers are constantly being shafted


our wages barely ever go up, if they do they go up minisculey, some people have lost thier jobs

yet consistantly theres a barrage of prices going up (gas, electric, food, travel, banks etc etc) and its always us that have to take the slack, in some peoples cases the slacks getting very close to the edge.

sometimes i really do think companies should absorb the costs (if a company makes a billion in profit, surely they could absorb a cost rather than passing it on to the end user?), im not saying all the time, or stealing all their profits but they should be working with us rather than constantly shafting us...............the ultimate customer satisfaction?

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sometimes i really do think companies should absorb the costs (if a company makes a billion in profit, surely they could absorb a cost rather than passing it on to the end user?)

That is the nature of capitalism. Companies exist to make money, not to provide us with a service. Their 1 single motivation is paying the largest dividend possible on their shares, or making the most profit for their owners.


Now we could argue that these shouldn't be run as profit-making companies, but that's been done before. :)

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The utilities companies can basically charge what ever they like, they exist to make money for their shareholders and not provide a service any more.


The idea that having several companies and competition would keep prices low / competitive just hasn't worked, it almost seems as though the companies are in league and set / fix prices between themselves.

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all those that voted thatcher and her greedy cronies into power in the 70s, they are the ones to blame. if it was still used as a nationalised thing, and the gas and leccy as well we would not be getting shafted at all. so all you that whinge about this, if you are your parents voted for mrs thatch i really do not sympathise

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all those that voted thatcher and her greedy cronies into power in the 70s, they are the ones to blame. if it was still used as a nationalised thing, and the gas and leccy as well we would not be getting shafted at all. so all you that whinge about this, if you are your parents voted for mrs thatch i really do not sympathise


Very true. If British Gas were put back into public ownership these massive profits could go into lower prices for customers. As it is the profits go to the board of directors. This is the heart of capitalism, the few get rich on the backs of the many.


Don't expect a Tory or even a Labour government do anything about it.

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