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Last minute storage puzzle

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Ok, so being the reliable guy I am, a friend has just contacted me and owing to one reason or another he is having to leave his property tomorrow. He is moving back home but has a house full of stuff, some of it quite expensive too. Initially he was of the mindset that he was going to leave what he couldn't take, store or move, for example a £500 relatively new sofa, but I have talked him around this.


All my friend wants to do is take a couple of suitcases with him and the rest of his stuff...who knows? Of course he's decided to be hugely last minute about this. There's nothing dodgy about the situation, he isn't doing anything untoward and all of the property in the house is his, he lives alone.


He's called me today asking for my help as he needs my support tomorrow morning. I've told him that of course I'd be there but to think carefully about his property, he's in such a whirlwind about getting moved out that he hasn't considered the value or importance of the things he might leave behind.


Ideally I'd like to find somewhere and some way I can arrange to have his stuff stored so that at least he has a bit of time to consider what to do with it all rather than leave and look back in six months and think "bugger, what did I do?". I can appreciate where he is and maybe his line of thought is somewhat confused right now. I really need to support him but at this last minute stage - and it really is the eleventh hour! - I'm unsure of what to do. I think renting a storage unit is out of his budget and we don't have a van.


Here's me trying to be the good Samaritan but I'm running short of ideas!

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You will be able to find someone with a van on here who'll help you move it for a low cost, but I can't think of how you can store it without paying, unless any friends have a garage which you can use.


One option might be to sell some of the items and use the funds raised to pay for storage of the rest. Not sure that will work given the time scales you're up against.


If it's a rental property he's leaving, be careful as the Landlord may deduct from his deposit for removal costs if items are left behind.


Good luck though.

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