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My house is in 'Yorkshire Life'!!

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Yorkshire Life? Thats Nowt! MY house was once featured on Look North. Got a phone call from a friend of my lads to say "Quick , put Look North on your house is on it !" And lo and behold there it was. They had come to film an item about the milkman of the year ,and used our house as a backdrop for him delivering milk to our doorstep. Which was really odd cos no one had asked our permission and we get our milk from Morrisons. To make matters worse , when they interviewed the milkman he said that some times his customers give him a bacon sandwich when he calls. You can imagine the comments I got next day about entertaining the milkman when Mr G was at work !

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So....................Dore is the new Whirlow ? Now that used to be the top place to live. :rolleyes:


No, Dore has always been number one. There are probably about half a dozen or so houses in Whirlow that are worth living in, the rest are pretty average and there are a lot of 'executive boxes' that seem to have popped up over the past 20 years or so.


I have always rated Millhouses Lane higher than Whirlow, but I still would not move from Dore, especially now it is the most desirable place to live in Yorkshire. :)

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So what! all houses serve the same purpose,to keep you dry and warm and I bet its warmer in the town than up blaaardy Dore.I find these areas full of would be millionaires who have a massive overdraft and live on bread and jam and are full off plastic people who go to church every sunday to try and make friends.

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So what! all houses serve the same purpose,to keep you dry and warm and I bet its warmer in the town than up blaaardy Dore.I find these areas full of would be millionaires who have a massive overdraft and live on bread and jam and are full off plastic people who go to church every sunday to try and make friends.


:hihi: It's not like that at all, don't believe the hype caused by jealous folk.;)


Make sure you grab your copy, at only £3.15 it's great reading and good news for Sheffield in general.:thumbsup::)

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Please tell us all what the benefits of living at Dore are I'm sure we are all interested.


Read the article and find out, it's only £3.15.:)


Whose jealous?I live in a far better place than Dore but I don't shout it from the rooftops,


You must live in another county then as Dore is the best place to live in Yorkshire, its official!:)

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