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Who are the Most Overrated Historical Figures?

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Christopher Columbus, the Founding Fathers (the US), Winston Churchill, and Ronald Reagan comes to mind...


Anyone else?


That depends on which side of the Atlantic you're on




Alumni, Cuckoo Park Institute for the mentally deranged and criminally insane

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Gallipoli was an action against the Turks, not the Germans, and it served considerably less than no useful purpose. As a strategist, Churchill was worse than useless.


Haven't you got a good word to say about anything?


Can you think of good things to say about war?

What a stupid and insensitive thing to say


That,s a bold statement! as much as I liked Jimmy Hendrixs I can think of a lot better musicians and I bet a lot of other people will say the same.


Anyone who knows anything about guitars will tell you Hendrix changed guitar playing as we knew it forever, in my book that's NOT overrated!


Just knock everybody why don't you. And then ask yourselves what you have done.


What is this in reply to? Which thread are you reading Grahame? This thread's about knocking people

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I'm sorry but you are wrong there. I saw Jimi Hendrix at Sheffield City Hall in 1967 and he was a legend and every bit as good as they said he was.
the Quote was the only musician worth post death acclaim was Jimmy Hendrix, there must be a lot more and better dead musicians, no ones denying he was a grate musician and I am a fan of him myself I have his LPs in my collection and music is a matter of your own taste .it was the sweeping statement that I answered to .
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I'm puzzled why you include Winston Churchill on that list. I assume it is because you are totally ignorant about his entire life.


Thing is, Churchil is over-rated.


He was a disaster during WW1; thought shooting miners was a good idea, and had a run of good luck in WWII. Overrated

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On the contrary, it is those who are ignorant about Churchill's entire life who would not include him on the list. Only WW2 redeemed his earlier reputation as a vainglorious warmonger (of whom Lloyd George said that he was always wanting to bomb or invade somewhere) and as an arch reactionary, who favoured putting down strikes by impoverished workers by force and who opposed even minimal concessions to self-government in India and elsewhere.


As for his reputation deriving from WW2, even this requires further serious examination (as some modern 'revisionist historians have done, to some extent). It is still not widely known, for example, that Churchill favoured the use of mass poison gas attacks on German cities prior to the end of the war. Thank goodness for German civilians and for his later reputation that his generals managed to talk him out of it. Moreover, even the wisdom of his anti-appeasement policy ought also questioned (as again, some revisionist historians have). What it amounted to was a clamour for war with Germany, at a time when Britain was woefully unprepared for war, as subsequent events would prove. Had not Hitler been so stupid as to invade Russia (and Japan so stupid as to attack the US), Churchill's war policy would have been a complete disaster for Britain. Churchill, of course, would have been off to Canada had the Germans occupied Britain.


See, you put it much better than I did, but you get the point I was trying to make

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