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Gaddafi's last stand

How will it all end for Gaddafi?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. How will it all end for Gaddafi?

    • He will go down fighting, like Custer
    • He will shoot himself, like Hitler
    • He will be captured, killed and strung up, like Mussolini
    • He will be captured, put on trial but claim to have Alzheimer's like Pinochet
    • He will disappear and will be searched for in the Brazilian jungle
    • He will be given asylum in the UK
    • He will end up in a luxury villa in Venezuala or Zimbabwe

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I do wish the un would impose a no fly ban as while the are talking about it innocent civilians are getting bombed

The problem is where do you draw the line, there are people who think that action should be taken against MgGabe in Zimbabwe.

These despot regimes cannot last in this modern age, sadly it will take a little more time but with the advent of the internet and modern forms of communication they cannot keep the public in these countries especialy the younger end uninformed as to how the other half live.

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I do wish the un would impose a no fly ban as while the are talking about it innocent civilians are getting bombed


Imposing a no fly zone would only result in prolonging the civil war and turning Libya into another Somalia.

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might be better if Gaddafi beats the opposition. No more ruined countries like Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan. Western democracy is a bad idea in "developing" countries.


Not just developing countries, the former iron curtain countries aren't having much of a smooth ride after being police states for all those years.

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I do wish the un would impose a no fly ban as while the are talking about it innocent civilians are getting bombed


The UN doesn't have an Air Force to enforce a no-fly zone.


A number of gulf states have (apparently) said that they support a no-fly zone.


Saudi Arabia has an Air Force.


The Saudis are Arabs - let them enforce a no-fly zone if they want one. Far less likely to cause long-term problems than having non-Arabs interfering.

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The official story - if it is to be believed - is that Gaddaffi was prpeparing to build a nuclear weapon before Blair cosied up to him and signed various trade agreements.


This was all rather convenient, as Libya has vast oil reserves which we could not get at because of the inconvenient fact that gaddaffi supposedly ordered the Lockerbie atrocity.


It seems inexplicable that the government would now turn on him, yet offer no help in finishing him off, thus giving him the opportunity to regain power, and the motive to resume enmity with the West and resume attempts to produce WMDs......UNLESS that was all lies of course, or unless it was all lies that he had ordered Lockerbie. Whatever the truth is, it's obviously not what we have been told by our governments, past and present.


This is the problem when politicians and 'security services' habitually lie about anything and everythg. It ends up so that even they don't know what's going on anymore, and are subsequently unable to formulate consistent logical policies, because the truth has gone out the window in favour of ill-conceived, short sighted gains.


In the case of Gadaffi, I would support action against him, because - unless we are to merely to continue to represent mealy mouthed hypocrisy on the world stage - we should, when practical, offer concrete support for people who are prepared to risk their lives to fight oppression. This could be easily done without direct intervention, merely by providing some air cover to prevent the movement of gadaffi's armour and the supplying of arms, training and strategic advice to the rebels.


Of course, I don't expect this to happen, because the liars and hypocrites who formulate strategy will pay lip service to support for freedom, whilst calculating what will produce the best short term results for them, measured against considerations such as oil profits and the wishes of the Israeli governemnt.

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This could be easily done without direct intervention, merely by providing some air cover to prevent the movement of gadaffi's armour and the supplying of arms, training and strategic advice to the rebels.
Erm, yeah, well...look what happened to the last "training and strategic advisers" Hague sent to meet'n'greet the rebels last week :hihi:
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