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Gaddafi's last stand

How will it all end for Gaddafi?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. How will it all end for Gaddafi?

    • He will go down fighting, like Custer
    • He will shoot himself, like Hitler
    • He will be captured, killed and strung up, like Mussolini
    • He will be captured, put on trial but claim to have Alzheimer's like Pinochet
    • He will disappear and will be searched for in the Brazilian jungle
    • He will be given asylum in the UK
    • He will end up in a luxury villa in Venezuala or Zimbabwe

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He will get a position as a diversity officer with Lambeth Council.


:hihi: :hihi::hihi: I know Lambeth council well. They are that loony they most probably will offer him a job. I believe he has already fled the country with his money and one of his many doubles is appearing as him.

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It's not a western problem and we've been attacked all too often for intervening in the Arab countries. We should never have invaded Iraq and we're right not to invade Libya.


The Arab League could help the Libyan people, but won't.


I agree, we shouldn't have invaded Iraq and we shouldn't invade Libya. The west could increase thwe likihood of a rebel victory massively without invading.

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The official story - if it is to be believed - is that Gaddaffi was prpeparing to build a nuclear weapon before Blair cosied up to him and signed various trade agreements.


Gaddhafi did have advanced nuclear research (bomb making) projects.


Just because they're Arabs, do you think they're thick?


He had the money, he had (or could buy) the skills and he had the intent.


Do you really think that the Western world would have 'cosied up' to him and given him all the trade and sales advantages he got if he had nothing to offer in return?


I find that hard to accept.


This was all rather convenient, as Libya has vast oil reserves which we could not get at because of the inconvenient fact that gaddaffi supposedly ordered the Lockerbie atrocity.


Vast oil reserves? Where do you get that idea from? Libya's oil production is about the same as that of the UK.


Does the UK have 'vast oil reserves'?


It seems inexplicable that the government would now turn on him, yet offer no help in finishing him off, thus giving him the opportunity to regain power, and the motive to resume enmity with the West and resume attempts to produce WMDs......UNLESS that was all lies of course, or unless it was all lies that he had ordered Lockerbie. Whatever the truth is, it's obviously not what we have been told by our governments, past and present.


Inexplicable? Can you explain to the people on this forum how Gaddhafi's attitude towards the UK would've been improved had we destroyed his AD sites? (and killed hundreds of his people.)


This is the problem when politicians and 'security services' habitually lie about anything and everythg. It ends up so that even they don't know what's going on anymore, and are subsequently unable to formulate consistent logical policies, because the truth has gone out the window in favour of ill-conceived, short sighted gains.


You know this for a fact, do you? - Are you prepared to declare your sources? - Put up or shut up.


In the case of Gadaffi, I would support action against him, because - unless we are to merely to continue to represent mealy mouthed hypocrisy on the world stage - we should, when practical, offer concrete support for people who are prepared to risk their lives to fight oppression.


This could be easily done without direct intervention, merely by providing some air cover to prevent the movement of gadaffi's armour and the supplying of arms, training and strategic advice to the rebels.


You think so, do you?


'Some air cover'? And what happens when that air cover gets its arse shot off by Gaddafhi's SAM sites (Not quite - but nearly - 'state of the art')?


Any time that you want to go in one of your aircraft and loiter at 25,000 ft above Gadhaffi's SAM sites, let me know and I'll hold your coat while you're away.


Of course, I don't expect this to happen, because the liars and hypocrites who formulate strategy will pay lip service to support for freedom, whilst calculating what will produce the best short term results for them, measured against considerations such as oil profits and the wishes of the Israeli governemnt.


So now the Israelis are involved? How?


If you want to invade Libya and take on Gaddhaffi, go for it!


Your choice.


Can I have your eggs if you don't come back?


The UK is not the world's policeman and neither is the US.


The Arab league has recognised the rebels and the Arab league has the capability of supressing AD sites in Libya without any help from the West. They also have the means to enforce a 'no-fly' zone.


Let them do it.

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at last the the saudis have sent hundreds of troops to neighbouring Bahrain .



might be a bit differant to libya though ,they might be a little bit frightend iran will get involved

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have all responded to the request by sending troops.

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'Tongue in cheek' John?


The people sent to Bahrain are there (AFAIK) to support the established government (and perhaps to deter similar uprisings at home.)


If the Arab League goes into Libya, it will be supporting 'regime change'.


I wonder - if they are eventually obliged to take action - which side they'll fight for and how hard?


Arab lands. Arab problem.


Arab solution.

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