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Ignorant bliss.

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As i very very rarely watch tv, never read a newspaper, and never read news online, i have very little idea what's going on in the world except locally.

For example, i know there was an earthquake recently but i've not a clue which country it was in.


As an ex avid news reader (reader of news, not news reader on tv obviously) i'm glad i made this choice, the world seems smaller and a much comfier place now.

As per the title, i'm in ignorance and it's bliss.

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I often wonder whether a lot of people's worry about things which are happening in the world are nothing to do with the world getting more dangerous and everything to do with the fact that all of the bad things happened in previous decades but we simply didn't know about it within moments of it happening.


How do you think that people would have coped during either of the world wars if there were news bulletins every half an hour informing them of exactly where, how many and in what way people were dying? It wouldn't help them a bit- in that instance, ignorance is definitely preferable.


The earthquake is in New Zealand BTW- sorry to foist this information on you ;)

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As i very very rarely watch tv, never read a newspaper, and never read news online, i have very little idea what's going on in the world except locally.

For example, i know there was an earthquake recently but i've not a clue which country it was in.


As an ex avid news reader (reader of news, not news reader on tv obviously) i'm glad i made this choice, the world seems smaller and a much comfier place now.

As per the title, i'm in ignorance and it's bliss.


My OH is exactly like you.he will not watch the news at all and says why cause yourself the anguish of knowing something you can do nothing about.

I , on the other hand, like to know what is going on, believing that fore warned is fore armed.I usually manage to watch the Headlines before the remote is wrestled away !:)

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I don't worry about the inevitable, it's like worrying about the sun coming up tomorrow.


However, knowing what's going to happen (and the signs couldn't be more obvious) does allow you too take a few steps by way of "insurance".


I certainly wouldn't rely on TV news or newspapers for such insights. They just offer a distorted, rear-view mirror view of events (i.e. "no one saw it coming" regarding the financial crisis). There are many good sources of information on the internet, although you need to choose wisely.


Ignorance may be bliss but it's also going to be incredibly dangerous.


Still, each to his/her own.

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Megalithic----Sorry to spoil your blissful isolation but I must tell you what 's been going on. Why should we all suffer and not you ?


John Prescott will be the new Prime Minister, starting next Monday.


The Church of England have banned all male / female marriages.


Rumour has it that Col. Gadaffi and a ' well-known ex-British P.M. ' will enter into a Civil

Partnership '.


China have bought the Bank of England.


Sheff. Utd. & Sheff. Wed. to merge in order, ' to reduce the total number of losses '.


All knives and forks to be banned in homes and ' eating places ' under European Health

and Safety Regulations.


Predicted----100,000 Brits will move to Iraq or Zimbabwe next year.


Had enough ? Seriously----nothing wrong with plenty of info. & news. You just have to filter all the rubbish out as you go along ! It gets easier with age and practice !

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Had enough ? Seriously----nothing wrong with plenty of info. & news. You just have to filter all the rubbish out as you go along ! It gets easier with age and practice !


Why bother filtering it though, why not just discard it all. ?

I'm sure if it's something that's going to turn my life around in a big way i'll hear about it soon enough.


Do you ever get that feeling, usually late at night when you wish your brain could just focus on nothing, so you can sleep. ?

I got that back, something pops up, i just think i can't be arsed to worry about it and the thought goes.


Don't get me wrong, i'm not sat back not giving a fek and thinking the world can't harm me, i'm out there doing stuff and taking in the important stuff.

(In my microcosmic bubble, well a bubble that extends to include SF, and therefore all the local info i need).

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I appreciate what you say, Megalithic-----but maybe we 're just, sort of opposites, in some ways !


I often think that the one big thing that ' keeps me going ' is curiosity [ or nosiness ! ] about what 's happening everywhere.....and trying to predict what WILL happen in this sad old world of ours.


I 've led a bit of a 'gipsy' life and I 'm not very bothered about material possessions and I 'm quite adaptable-----therefore I never worry too much about what 's happening elsewhere as I know it won 't affect me in the slightest.


On top of that, my main 'serious' hobby is chess and looking at all the events that keep happening is rather like watching a huge game of chess on many levels----local, national and international. So, I do like as much info. as possible but, as you say, it doesn 't often lead to a relaxing sort of life ! I 've lived in some fairly remote places where news has been pretty sparse and, to be honest again, I can 't say I 've suffered much------although, it is nice too, to ' get back ' and catch up again------rather like coming back home from a holiday !

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