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Ignorant bliss.

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I'm sure if it's something that's going to turn my life around in a big way i'll hear about it soon enough.


Though it may be too late for you take any mitigating action if you don't find out about something until the last minute.


Do you ever get that feeling, usually late at night when you wish your brain could just focus on nothing, so you can sleep. ?


Nope. I simply read a book for an hour or so, then shut the brain off till the next morning.


Ignorance may be bliss but it's also going to be incredibly dangerous.


Still, each to his/her own.


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The best advice I ever had on this theme was "If you are worried about something and you can do something to stop it do it,If not all the worrying in the world will not alter it,so don`t worry about it"


Everything can be influenced

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I often wonder whether a lot of people's worry about things which are happening in the world are nothing to do with the world getting more dangerous and everything to do with the fact that all of the bad things happened in previous decades but we simply didn't know about it within moments of it happening.



This is almost certainly true. The world is now probably a much safer, healthier and less violent place than it ever has been. For example, there were many instances of mass starvation in the 19th century which were not widely known (and the same of course is true of ethnic massacres of various kinds). These days, as soon as such incidents occur, they are on our TV screens, followed by a clamour for our politicians to 'do something'. In particular, the visual media has created a kind of global empathy which did not exist before, simply because most terrible events were just not visible to us.

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I once had a partner who was simply not interested in what was going on in the rest of the world. Her reasoning was that she had no power to influence world, or indeed national, events, so why expend nervous energy in concerning yourself with events which were a long way away and about which you could do nothing? This is a perfectly rational position to take. However, she didn't last long as a partner, because I am interested in what is going on in the rest of the world and like to exchange views about these events with others.

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I used to watch and read the news every day then I started feeling quite saddened and depressed. I quit it (except for the science, environment and technology articles etc....) and I started to feel happier again! A lot of the media is there to make us think a certain way, if we don't be sucked into this we can make our own minds up about what is what!


Theres a movie called Zietgeist and this explains a lot about the media and mind control.

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