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Insomnia - any help?

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I tend to find that it is thinking about, and trying to remember, all the things I need to do that keeps me up at night. The best thing I've found to help with it is making a to do list (keep a pen and paper near your bed), at least then if I think of something whilst I'm trying to sleep then I can write it don't and forget about it till the morning. I then don't have to remember all the things I need to do and you have the satisfaction of crossing them off when they are done.


The other day when I couldn't get to sleep I got up and read a book for half an hour until I felt sleepy enough and tried to sleep again which seemed to work.


Also, you could try whisky before bed. Just the act of sitting and slowly drinking a good whisky before bed can sometimes prepare me for sleep. I guess it will work with other spirits but might not be something to do every night.

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For the last few months my insomnia has gradually become worse, to the point I'm sleeping only 2 hours a night some nights. I feel fine in myself, but I know this can't continue.


I've tried herbal and over the counter tablets but nothing has worked. I'm reluctant to go to the Drs because they'd just give me sedatives again and I don't feel safe taking them.


Any suggestions would be wonderfull, but I can't stand Lavendar so thats one out :gag:


Melatonin is fantastic. You can buy it from an online company called Biovea. It knocks you out like a treat and you wake up with no hangover or sluggishness feeling like you have had the sleep of a baby!


It is a chemical copy of the sleep hormone which is released by the Pineal gland in response to darkness. Melatonin is the sedative and Seratonin the stimulant.

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