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Insomnia - any help?

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Paul McKenna's book 'I can make you sleep' is really good for tips and it comes with a cd to listen to at night, which works for me most of the time.


Is this the book where he suggests before going to sleep counting backwards from 300?


A friend of mine who also has had insomnia said that his G.P. suggested a similar technique and it worked for my friend. I think what happens is when you're head hits the pillow the thoughts of not being able to sleep ensure that you probably won't sleep. I think the idea of counting backwards stops the negative spiral of thinking that can happen with insomnia.

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Is this the book where he suggests before going to sleep counting backwards from 300?


A friend of mine who also has had insomnia said that his G.P. suggested a similar technique and it worked for my friend. I think what happens is when you're head hits the pillow the thoughts of not being able to sleep ensure that you probably won't sleep. I think the idea of counting backwards stops the negative spiral of thinking that can happen with insomnia.


Yes that's the one. Another tip of his which help me, is to imagine a big threatre and imagine the curtain opening with something behind. Then you say in your head the image which comes in your head. You'd be surprised what images come into your mind. But you have to say in slowly and in a sleepy voice. For example 'now I can see a carrot' and the curtains close. Then they open again and you say in your head 'now I can see a tree'. That's a good one for if you wake up in the night too. Sounds mental but it works!

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All worthy comments thanks x


did you sort this peaches?how?


i go to bed tired but the 2 dogs downstairs constantly fidget and clatter about disturbing my sleep


looked online and lloyds chemist do a high strength sleeping tablet,was thinking of trying them

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did you sort this peaches?how?


i go to bed tired but the 2 dogs downstairs constantly fidget and clatter about disturbing my sleep


looked online and lloyds chemist do a high strength sleeping tablet,was thinking of trying them


It doesn't seem to be your sleep that's the problem, but noise. You can ask your vet if there's anything to calm your dogs down at night. For cats there's a plug in which releases calming hormones. Might be something similar for dogs. Also try ear plugs, there's some wax ones from boots which are great called muffles ear wax or something like that.

I cant see sleeping pills working as they won't block out the noise.

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I was going to say avoid wheat products and see if that helps, but you obviously already do that. Make sure your bedroom isnt too warm, That its nice a dark too. Don't watch tv or play games too late as the light from that can effect you, reading to relax might help ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whenever I've got a lot on my mind it stops me from sleeping too because I simply cannot switch off. I've found a trick to stop it though - I go to bed with my mp3 player on and i'm asleep in about 3 or 4 songs time! It stops me thinking, I just listen instead. Try it! Good luck.

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