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Sheffield Pubs - decent beer in a proper pub?

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really? I'd say food and drink aren't different. I agree that you like what you like, but there is also some beer that is intrinsically better than others. Some may prefer the lower quality option, just as some prefer McDogfood to proper food...


Agree 100%. There is just as much difference in the quality of beer as there is with food.


The issue with threads like this is the point isn't appreciated by all. So you've got some people who are seemingly offended at the suggestion and see this as snobbery. It isn't. It's just a fact that some beers are made of better quality ingredients than others - and consequently taste better.


And it follows from there, that some brewers pay more attention or place more importance on this than others. And therefore it's entirely possible that the beers from one brewer may be considerably better quality than those from another. And that's before we take the skill of the brewers into account.

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How can it be better in any sense of the word if you don't like it?


I grew up in a time/ place when real ale was the preserve of trainspotters and flashers but accept now its much more fashionable and certainly credit the movement with improving many a pub but it still amuses me when people try and convince me of its virtues when its just a matter of taste, otherwise wouldn't we all be drinking the same thing?


Of course it's a matter of taste, but tastes develop, if you let them.


30 years ago in my teens I would knock back a decent amount of Stella

25 years ago I dropped lager in favour of ale as it had more taste.

20 year ago I went to the USA, at that time largely dominated by lager and sought out the brand new Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. It was so far ahead of anything else I'd had that it was difficult to go back.

Then about 15 year ago the craft revolution came to the UK and we started getting much better quality beer here. Never looked back.


Thing is, I guarantee there is a better beer out there for everyone, regardless of taste, if only they would pick up the courage to try it. I've gone from lager, to pale ale, to massively hoppy IPAs and now some of my favourite beers are ludicrously strong Imperial stouts. More and more are finding the same. Almost every session of Leeds International Beer Festival this year had almost a thousand visitors. Maybe you should try going to one? :)

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