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We are in danger of losing touch with the public on race, immigration and..

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Behave - showing me scaremongering headlines from the Daily Hate circa 1997?!


Get a grip Noddy!

Resorting to type I see ..lost again Halibut ..those facts were from different years for a purpose but I doubt if you have the ability to work out why they were posted like that

Heres aomething for you to get tour head round


Ten years from now, there will be 65 million people in the UK - an increase of five million - and by 2031, the population will be over 70 million, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.


Within a generation, immigration will add the equivalent of a city the size of London to the population.

Now I suppose the office for national statistics are ultra right wing facists in your book

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Or, if you want real figures, try the Office for National Statistics actual info on immigration.


Net migration (the difference between immigration and emigration) increased to 198,000 in 2009 compared with 163,000 in the previous year. This change was primarily as a result of decreased emigration.


The number of people leaving the UK for 12 months or more fell to 368,000 in 2009 compared with 427,000 in 2008. The drop in total emigration was due to a decrease in the numbers of British and EU citizens leaving the UK. An estimated 140,000 British citizens emigrated in 2009, the lowest number since 1999 and down from 173,000 in 2008.


An estimated 567,000 people arrived to live in the UK in 2009, which is consistent with levels seen since 2004 and compares with 590,000 in 2008. Non-British citizens accounted for 83 per cent of all immigrants; a third of these were from EU countries.

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You cannot deny that the character of Britain has vastly changed over the last decade. The amount of immigration has been totally unprecedented in history. It's effectively been cultural genocide, large swathes of working-class British culture have been annihilated.


There is a shop on the moor with paintings in the window of scenes from Sheffield in the 1980s and it might as well be a different country. It looks nothing like the city today. It has changed for the worse.

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Or, if you want real figures, try the Office for National Statistics actual info on immigration.

What those statistics dont tell you is whether they were immigrants themselves who decided to return home,its well known that the Polish population has been going back because of the recession in this country and I daresay others have followed.The OP'S link doesnt surprise me one bit ,and the fact that Cameron seems to want to take a stance also doesnt surprise me,he is vote hunting and he knows that immigration is a hot potato,he must be worried about the numbers getting out of hand otherwise he wouldnt have dared to come out.

The next election will be won or lost on immigration,I just hope one of the main parties take the stance and dont leave it to the BNP idiots.

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Yes it has,read above even the Asians are saying the same thing.

You dont think Cameron and his mob are saying more or less the same thing just to oppose you do you ,Im sorry I didnt know you were more informed than the Prime minister ,maybe you ought to drop him a line


What do you know about facts .all you do is sit there and make three or four word futile sentences usually kissing certain peoples posteriors.



And your facts are 'Asians say it' so it must be true? Or are you just jumping on the Asian bandwagon, where in reality you couldn't give two hoots what Asians think or do, unless they leave on the next boat. Asians like anyone else mostly see immigration as a problem, you don't, you see it as a disease. Not surprising as the epileptic right are quite susceptible to catching the odd virus. What in the hell does the average joe know about immigration policy other than that which he reads in the Mail. In fact what do you know about immigration policy other than that of your daily blah? Try not to quote the size of Jordan's tits first please. And please don't quote Cameron he's probably more likely to be as disingenuous as you, if not more. If that's possible.


Here endeth my rant. :D

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There is a shop on the moor with paintings in the window of scenes from Sheffield in the 1980s and it might as well be a different country. It looks nothing like the city today. It has changed for the worse.



I was browsing the very same window this afternoon! The reason it's changed though is because of the pedestrianisation of The Moor!:rolleyes:

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And your facts are 'Asians say it' so it must be true? Or are you just jumping on the Asian bandwagon, where in reality you couldn't give two hoots what Asians think or do, unless they leave on the next boat. Asians like anyone else mostly see immigration as a problem, you don't, you see it as a disease. Not surprising as the epileptic right are quite susceptible to catching the odd virus. What in the hell does the average joe know about immigration policy other than that which he reads in the Mail. In fact what do you know about immigration policy other than that of your daily blah? Try not to quote the size of Jordan's tits first please. And please don't quote Cameron he's probably more likely to be as disingenuous as you, if not more. If that's possible.


Here endeth my rant. :D

Exactly the average Joe doesnt because it seems a lot of info has not been released .Cameron has,shall we say,let the cat out of the bag,at least to those who can read between his lines,and has for not accepting Camerons rhetoric ,you seem to be as deluded as Halibut in thinking that you and him are more informed than he is

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