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Dickens, Rotherham


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This is an open invitation for someone from The Dickens, Rotherham to have their say and explain why a once thriving venue is being run into the ground.


The last few times I have been there has been no draught beer, the only substitute being canned lager or canned newcastle brown. No wine at all, which browns off my other half like you wouldnt believe, and I couldnt guarantee it, but the product being poured from a Jack Daniels bottle is a copy product. Mixers coming out of 2litre supermarket bottles, and very few of those. Its not good, and I'm running out of reasons to keep supporting the venue.


Saturday night was a debacle. The brilliant Violet May pulled after playing 2 numbers, and then the singer getting barred from the venue; its a bloody joke. Factor in the fact the bar wasnt even open for alcoholic drinks until 10.30 did not make for a good night, and to add the overpriced poor product when it did is an insult. I know you maintain the licencing authority stipulated that no alcohol could be served whilst under 18s were on the premises, but frankly I cant see that is the case. I have been to many gigs at other venues where under 18s are allowed in, and the bar has never been dry. Lets face it, your staff have the power to request ID and if not satisfied refuse service.


It would be good to get a reply, and I'd ask that the thread spoilers keep clear.


So come on Messrs Dickens ... the ball is now in your court.

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Captain Chaos you say

'I know you maintain the licencing authority stipulated that no alcohol could be served whilst under 18s were on the premises, but frankly I cant see that is the case. I have been to many gigs at other venues where under 18s are allowed in, and the bar has never been dry. Lets face it, your staff have the power to request ID and if not satisfied refuse service.'

This is in fact very true. I have a venue that was also included in Saturday nights Gig night that was organised by Rotherham council for under 18s that Dickens was also involved with.There were 4 venues in total. At the last minute the police and Licensing pulled the plug on my venue because they were not happy with the fact that under 18s were in the building.Although this was organgised and sponsered by Rotherham Council.

I agree that the staff could ask for ID but we all no how easy that is to get round and it was thought that it would be better if it didnt happen at all.

I can't comment on why they are only serving cans and supermarket bottles of pop though. Perhaps they are skint?

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  • 1 year later...
This is an open invitation for someone from The Dickens, Rotherham to have their say and explain why a once thriving venue is being run into the ground.


The last few times I have been there has been no draught beer, the only substitute being canned lager or canned newcastle brown. No wine at all, which browns off my other half like you wouldnt believe, and I couldnt guarantee it, but the product being poured from a Jack Daniels bottle is a copy product. Mixers coming out of 2litre supermarket bottles, and very few of those. Its not good, and I'm running out of reasons to keep supporting the venue.


Saturday night was a debacle. The brilliant Violet May pulled after playing 2 numbers, and then the singer getting barred from the venue; its a bloody joke. Factor in the fact the bar wasnt even open for alcoholic drinks until 10.30 did not make for a good night, and to add the overpriced poor product when it did is an insult. I know you maintain the licencing authority stipulated that no alcohol could be served whilst under 18s were on the premises, but frankly I cant see that is the case. I have been to many gigs at other venues where under 18s are allowed in, and the bar has never been dry. Lets face it, your staff have the power to request ID and if not satisfied refuse service.


It would be good to get a reply, and I'd ask that the thread spoilers keep clear.


So come on Messrs Dickens ... the ball is now in your court.


Gosh, sharp as ever I'm very late catching up but does anyone know if the Dickens have got it sorted? I can't find a contact on line. Apparently SNAFU aren't doing bands anymore either. Crikey, what's happening to Rotherham? Mind you, when I lived there you either saw club bands or the likes of Lazy Jake once in a blue moon and then we had to find our own venue etc, charge on the door...

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