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Libya. Do the people need us?

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Will Cameron now or eventually aid militarily the present peoples revolution? How far do you think he'll go considering Gaddafi's threat at thousands of Libyans being killed.? Considering they backed Blair and Bush's little escapade in recent troubles, do you think he has the balls to follow suite? There does seem to be a little muscle flexing going on but it seems the Libyan people wouldn't want it, as they regard it as their revolution.


What do you think?

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The Conservative Party have always despised Gaddafi, for his funding the IRA and for Lockerbie; the Tories have been waiting for an excuse to attack Libya for ages and whats going on now could be the opportunity they've been waiting for.

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We should do nothing except evacuate all British Nationals from that country. The lives of British soldiers should not be risked for another country. We need a leader who only involves our armed forces when British territory & British people are under threat like Thatcher did with the Falklands. It is only about oil anyway, Robert Mugabe has being killing his own people for years and the British Government never threatened military action because there is no oil in Zimbabwe.

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If you're going to try to enforce a 'no fly' zone, then first you must destroy all the Air Defence systems in Libya. Those operated by Gadhafi AND those operated by the rebels.


You will kill a lot of people on both sides. Neither side is likely to thank you for killing its people. If Obama (who's also talking about 'no fly' zones) and Cameron are trying to make sure that whoever wins will dislike and distrust both the US and the UK, that may well be the way to do it.

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Seeing as we're two turds in debt, laying off members of the armed forces & public services, propping up the banks and generally rummaging about down the proverbial national sofa for shrapnel ........ Oh wait, they have oil.


Who has ammo & troop transport?

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