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Libya. Do the people need us?

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I'm pretty confident in saying that you probably don't have much idea about (or experience of) Air Defence Systems.


Libya has (inter alia):


Triple A:


ZSU 23-4's

ZSU 23-2's

M53/59 Praga's

40mm Bofors












If you destroy one of those systems, then anybody standing anywhere near it will probably be slightly dead or seriously injured.


You have to destroy most (preferably all) of them before you can send aircraft on Combat Air Patrol above them.


Unless, of course, you happen to have a few suicide squadrons. Neither the Royal Air Force nor the USAF has suicide squadrons.




You are Tom Clancy and I claim my five pounds :hihi:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We want their oil, and its that simple, as its the best grade, less sulphur, globing warning, etc.


We want to help them because its in our interest, meanwhile in Bahrain, the dictator there is shooting unarmed protesters, see U-tube, at point blank range, have now got mercenaries from Saudi Arabia to protect the elites, from the unarmed protesters. But that OK, as we have a deal with that mobster.


Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, they continue to behead people, women are not allowed to drive, they have rounded up any protesters or anyone criticising the government, over 35.000 so called political prisoners in clink, but that all right as they give us oil.


We are being sold a particular story, pretending to care, when its self interest only. We allow abuses elsewhere, equally if not worse.


If we manage to sell weapons, then they are our debt, and we will get a better deal on the oil. Its greed that motivates our leaders, who work for other interests, and not ours by the way. Atrocities are happening in Bahrain right now, torture is fun to practice in Saudi Arabia, but they are our friends, and Libya, or its leader who Blair has met so many times recently its unbelievable, is not just another chosen bogey man.


So much for feeding the masses a particular picture, whereas the picture is not that clear cut.

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The difficulty from a "western" point of view of no-fly zone enforcement is the following:


We'd only have to make one mistake. Just one.


Just one bomb or missile misdirected onto hospital/school or whatever, and things will very rapidly turn.

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the people of iraq needed us, but soon changed their minds as did those from afghanistan. The arabs complain that they want the west to butt out of their business, let them deal with this problem, they have the military and the money. we have neither.

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