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Iran to pull out of 2012 olympics

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The Olympics should be impartial and no matter whats on the world stage politically everyone should be included in the event and its sad when anyone abstains.


The Olympics works on good nature and bridge building and honors our equality and commonality as humans over all the bull that mars our everyday lives.


I think its sad that Iran chooses not to attend and calls of 'good riddance' are sad short sighted in my opinion. Everyone should be involved and made welcome in doing so, 'leave your guns by the door and drink with your brothers' sort of thing.

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My knees went weak when I read this startling news and a feeling of despair overcame me. Iran NOT taking part in the Olympics ! OH, Woe is me and no doubt woe is everyone else too. What a terrible loss to the Brotherhood of Man !

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My knees went weak when I read this startling news and a feeling of despair overcame me. Iran NOT taking part in the Olympics ! OH, Woe is me and no doubt woe is everyone else too. What a terrible loss to the Brotherhood of Man !

A mistake American policy has made for years and whats got us into a lot of this mess is not engaging with one and other.


Yes lets ignore them and ridicule there evil ways, and then will come the day when they cannot be ignored and want to be heard whether we are ready to or not. When the bombs fly we can find peace and solace in the fact that we didn't have to entertain the dirty Arabs at the Olympics eh ?

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