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Did people really used to live for 120 years?

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I'm not an atheist but claims of incredible longevity wont work even with kids these days and if religious instruction asks students to believe in such stories then it's only foddder for the atheists and religious detractors


True, reading the bible in this day and age is one of the surest ways to become an atheist.

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I'm not an atheist but claims of incredible longevity wont work even with kids these days and if religious instruction asks students to believe in such stories then it's only foddder for the atheists and religious detractors


I know and this is what upsets me. The thing is that language and customs change over time and what was clear to the people of the day has been lost to us in the mist of time. This doesn't only happen with the Bible, I have an interest in medieval history and when people talk about Robin Hood and his merry men they think his men were either gay or they drank a lot of mead. The real answer is that "Merry Men" means famous men.


So there we go putting two and two together and getting it wrong and it is the same with the Bible. I know some people won't agree with me but I wish someone would put the Bible into modern perspective, but then we would be accused of changing it.


All I can do is to try and explain things to the best of my ability but often people don't want to know and the atheists still keep churning out the same error simply because it suits their purpose.


Sorry about the long winded reply. :)


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Yes, there were two harvests a year, but agriculture is recent by comparison. Before that they were hunter gatherers.


Regarding the Passover the Jewish year is a lunar year which is why Easter comes on a different date every year.


Hold on a minute. I've just looked back along this thread and one of these guys mentioned was Noah being somewhat more than 600 years old.


Now the ancients might have been hunter gatherers but the sort of bloke who could build a ship capable of carrying a couple of elephants and a few hundred other animal is hardly likely to have come down from his tree to build it.

By the time people were building boats and writing about it the year had been measured for a couple of thousand years. Regardless of whether the passover is on a different day each year, a year still averages out at 365 1/4 days. Any book that claims that men were living to 600 years old is quite frankly a work of fiction.

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You were equating (and making a mess of it) creation with how people billions of years later came to measure time. So thank you for providing the evidence I needed which is the lack of understanding by atheists. :D


Mind you I knew it already. :)



No, I was using your own time-warped logic that states a day is millions of years long.

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Agriculture is not recent in comparison to judaism, it predates it by thousands of years.


Whoah! We're running out of time here. The earth is only 6,000 years old according to the bible.


On a serious point, Cain, the son of Noah, is a farmer. He would have known about seasons, and the concept of a year, and obviously he was alive at the same time as Noah and all these other people who lived for hundreds of years.


It is quite clear that 'a year' in the bible means the same as 'a year' does to us. The only question is whether the bible is wrong or not about people living for many hundreds of years.


I say it is wrong.

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I know and this is what upsets me. The thing is that language and customs change over time and what was clear to the people of the day has been lost to us in the mist of time. This doesn't only happen with the Bible, I have an interest in medieval history and when people talk about Robin Hood and his merry men they think his men were either gay or they drank a lot of mead. The real answer is that "Merry Men" means famous men.



I don't want to upset you but Robin Hood was also a work of fiction.

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