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Did people really used to live for 120 years?

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He is correct - he may be a composite of real people, but "Robin Hood" is most certainly fictional.


He was real. Mind you there were lots of Robin Hoods But Robert Dore of Wadsley otherwise known as Robin Hood was a real person.

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Hold on a minute. I've just looked back along this thread and one of these guys mentioned was Noah being somewhat more than 600 years old.


Now the ancients might have been hunter gatherers but the sort of bloke who could build a ship capable of carrying a couple of elephants and a few hundred other animal is hardly likely to have come down from his tree to build it.

By the time people were building boats and writing about it the year had been measured for a couple of thousand years. Regardless of whether the passover is on a different day each year, a year still averages out at 365 1/4 days. Any book that claims that men were living to 600 years old is quite frankly a work of fiction.





שׁנה שׁנה

shâneh shânâh

shaw-neh', shaw-naw'

(The first form being in plural only, the second form being feminine); from H8138; a year (as a revolution of time): - + whole age, X long, + old, year (X -ly).




מאיה מאה

mê'âh mê'yâh

may-aw', may-yaw'

Probably a primitive numeral; a hundred; also as a multiplicative and a fraction: - hundred ([-fold], -th), + sixscore.


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He was real. Mind you there were lots of Robin Hoods But Robert Dore of Wadsley otherwise known as Robin Hood was a real person.


I think that is why you believe in the Bible is is quite clear that you are serially gullible. What's your opinion of Pop-eye?

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Whoah! We're running out of time here. The earth is only 6,000 years old according to the bible.


On a serious point, Cain, the son of Noah, is a farmer. He would have known about seasons, and the concept of a year, and obviously he was alive at the same time as Noah and all these other people who lived for hundreds of years.


It is quite clear that 'a year' in the bible means the same as 'a year' does to us. The only question is whether the bible is wrong or not about people living for many hundreds of years.


I say it is wrong.


Cain wasn't the son of Noah, he was the son of Adam (according to the genealogy in the Old testament) Noah's sons were Ham, Shem, and Japheth.

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Living for 120 years ? Christ, that must be like listening to a Genesis CD.


Brilliant- but in the old days a year was a lot longer than today-it took much longer to go round the sun as the gravitational pull was less but the orbit path was elongated.

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