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Inconvenient Truth - Labour covered up Immigration Reports

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What you drinking out there?:hihi: Since 1970 the Cons have been in for most of this time. Didn't they do most to change the face of Britain by closing down it's regional industries?


Yes, post 1997 mass immigration was all Maggies fault for closing the mines :roll:

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Well, obviously, it 's not just a simple ' time ' problem, but what the governments DID, in the time they were in power. There seems to be evidence that Labour deliberately encouraged mass immigration, without much regard as to its consequences, whereas the Tories just seemed to accept the status quo.


As for the economic question --well, the country seemed to be sliding down the drain in 1979----and THAT can 't be cured in 5 minutes. The Labour Party, it seems to me, nearly brought the country to its knees again after another 13 odd years stint. The Tories are not perfect by any means..........but Labour.......!!

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Well, Labour certainly achieved its aim------changed the face of Britain ! If someone who 'd died, say in about 1970, could, by some miracle, return to Britain----say, the centre of London, Birmingham, Sheffield......et al....I wonder if they 'd be able to say where they were ?


Of course, not only Labour are responsible for the massive change------but they do seem the worst culprits.


Only some kind of twisted genius could transform what was once a decent, law-abiding, tolerant, relatively crime-free country into the hell-hole it is today, in such a historically short time. Will Cameron rescue the stuation ? To borrow from Damon Runyan, it 's about 7 -3 against !


I would love to see a breakdown of the crimes by all the various races of people that live here including the Brits.

Lately when I read about varying crimes committed there seems to be an awful lot of people of ethnic descent and recent immigrants involved.

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I would love to see a breakdown of the crimes by all the various races of people that live here including the Brits.

Lately when I read about varying crimes committed there seems to be an awful lot of people of ethnic descent and recent immigrants involved.


I'm fairly sure the % would be much higher to a similar amount of brits (As in, more britishs born residents cause crime). Although I do find the word "extremist" being used more and more often, it seems they are becoming less extreme, and becoming more mainstream.

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There has always been an element in the Labour party that views immigration as part of its "social objective".


As a working class guy, the Labour party ought to be the party for me, but the social engineering they were preoccupied with from 1997 makes it hard for me to trust them ever again.

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I would love to see a breakdown of the crimes by all the various races of people that live here including the Brits.

Lately when I read about varying crimes committed there seems to be an awful lot of people of ethnic descent and recent immigrants involved.


That suggests an inherent bias.


Let's see what the cops say:


Police statistics show immigrants are more likely to be the victims of crimes than to commit crimes themselves – especially soon after newspaper headlines or speeches about ‘bogus asylum seekers’ which have been shown to cause racist attacks to treble in the days after them.


There is certainly organised crime, and much of it international – drug smuggling, smuggling of counterfeit goods, and even teenage girls kidnapped and forced to work as prostitutes.


The idea that cracking down on all immigrants will help stop this though is the opposite of the truth. The majority of immigrants are not criminals. By wasting money , manpower and time on employing thousands of customs officials, immigration service officers, police and private ‘detention centre’ guards on chasing , arresting , locking up and deporting these people we are wasting resources that could be used to deal with the minority of actual criminals – both British criminals and ‘immigrant’ criminals.


We’re also making organised crime a fortune because they have a new racket which we’ve given them by making it illegal just to enter the country – people trafficking and forgery. The life savings of many asylum seekers are spent paying these gangs to smuggle them into other countries in the hope that they’ll be safe there , and on paying for forged visas and passports. Remember the British government expect people running for their lives to have all their documents handy – and often to have stopped off at the British embassy to pick up a visa (despite the fact that the British embassy in their country is instructed not to give out visas).


Asylum seekers are not allowed to work in the UK unless they have been granted asylum – a process which can take from months to years. During that time, given that they get £38 a week each – or less if they are a family - some turn to begging in order to survive or feed their children. This frequently leads to a tirade from the government and the conservatives about ‘aggressive beggars’ and encouragement from the government to police and judges to arrest and convict those guilty of ‘aggressive begging’. The government then lets it be known that since these people are now guilty of committing a crime their asylum applications are likely to be refused.



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