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Inconvenient Truth - Labour covered up Immigration Reports

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Well, the cops disagree with you, and the only basis for your claim seems to be foreigners= wrong uns.


Which is plainly prejudice.


Are you actually reading what i'm saying, and what you are quoting me as saying?


I said, the report was from 2001, not 2011, so it's pretty much useless. I also said if we took 1000 brits, and 1000 immigrants, I can pretty much guarantee that the brits would have a higher % of criminals.


Now stop spouting total rubbish, you're so blinded by your idiotic view on Britain that I was sticking up for the actual immigrants (i'm not talking numbers here), and yet you still start mouthing out about something nobody is commenting on, and is totally irrelevant to what I was saying.

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I would love to see a breakdown of the crimes by all the various races of people that live here including the Brits.

Lately when I read about varying crimes committed there seems to be an awful lot of people of ethnic descent and recent immigrants involved.


I agree. Although people demand 'evidence to back your statement up', in simplistic form, you only have to look at the wanted board on Crimewatch.

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Asylum seekers are linked to rising crime.





A report published by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) recently confirmed that there is no evidence for a higher rate of criminality among refugees and asylum seekers. In fact they are more likely to become victims of crime in the UK.






Reports and statistics are twisted to read how the Government want them to read.


I don't believe for one minute that is a myth.

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Well, Maxxi has highlighted another factor. i.e. the type of crimes committed. A lot of indigenous Brits for example have cars ; I would imagine most immigrants don 't. So, are we comparing like with like ?


A rather more interesting statistic [ especially for robbery or violence ] would be to compare the crime rate for those born in the U.K. and those who now live here but were born elsewhere. A ' Brit ' can be classed statistically as a ' Brit ' but he or she might be quite recently arrived [ and obtained citizenship ] but have had no time to absorb our culture [ or what 's left of it ! ].


One thing of which there 's absolutely no doubt and that is that crimes of violence, crimes of drug-dealing, wilful damage and general anti-social behaviour are far, far higher now than they were, pre-1970 Yet, we spend more on the police than ever before, there 's more anti-crime publicity [ ad nauseum in fact ] so, I think it 's legitimate for people to suspect that mass immigration MIGHT have some connection with the increase in serious crime. Maybe there IS no connection ? However, it would be helpful if we could have the FULL picture and not just bare statistics.

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Is it not true that....



  1. Labour put workers on the sick
  2. immigrants came from accross the world to do the work the brits wouldn't do
  3. which forced wages down
  4. when everyone realised what happened, it was too late



For about 10 years, Brits had a chance to earn more than a living wage without going to work? while the brits were down the pub enjoying the free money............. the labour government let the world in while people's backs were turned.


The party is well and truely over now.


The saying "we reap what we sow" ......etc....etc....


Thats New Labour for you.

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Many migrants have been prepared to travel here from thousands of miles away just to earn a bit of money doing unskilled work for minimum wage, yet why did we continue to pay people to do nothing via the welfare state? We should have been insisting that unskilled people who were fit and able to work, be prepared to do unskilled manual work and to move or travel to where the work was available. If people can cross a continent to work in a Lincolnshire fields, why should our own be exempt from travelling to another county?

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Many migrants have been prepared to travel here from thousands of miles away just to earn a bit of money doing unskilled work for minimum wage, yet why did we continue to pay people to do nothing via the welfare state? We should have been insisting that unskilled people who were fit and able to work, be prepared to do unskilled manual work and to move or travel to where the work was available. If people can cross a continent to work in a Lincolnshire fields, why should our own be exempt from travelling to another county?




That is the cause of the problem.


Labour paid people more money to not work, and punished the ones who did.


Migrants travelled from all over the world to do the work the brits would refuse to do

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Many migrants have been prepared to travel here from thousands of miles away just to earn a bit of money doing unskilled work for minimum wage, yet why did we continue to pay people to do nothing via the welfare state? We should have been insisting that unskilled people who were fit and able to work, be prepared to do unskilled manual work and to move or travel to where the work was available. If people can cross a continent to work in a Lincolnshire fields, why should our own be exempt from travelling to another county?


this is actually one of your most sensible posts ever I think.

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I agree. Although people demand 'evidence to back your statement up', in simplistic form, you only have to look at the wanted board on Crimewatch.


Yes that is what I think.

Also a large quantity of the violent muggings committed in Darnall recently has been done by the Asians/see tonight's and last night's Star for example and dont get me started on the drug pushers!!!

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The number one reason why people migrate is economics.


People across the world want to live and work in countries where they can get paid more and have higher standards of living, and they want this without needing Governments to be setting up multiculturalism schemes. If you want to attract more immigration, become prosperous, if you don't, engineer yourself a recession.


Going by the stats posted in this thread, the last time we had negative net migration was during the last proper recession. If the tories carry on the way they are, they'll succeed again in lowering immigration by dropping us back into another big recession - is this really something to be applauded though?


Immigration, just like virtually every other thing in politics, is not a single issue with specific causes and results which can be turned on and off without affecting our other interests. Finding the balance is tricky, and we'll never see it if we continue to have successive Governments switching from "spend everything" to "cut everything" and just aiming to score points off each other.

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