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Do you regret not voting Labour?

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And your proof is?????? I see nio proof - only of European recession and tory cuts. Lets all blame Labour - <REMOVED>.


who was in government when the recession hit? the recession as a whole was not the exclusive fault of labour but the recession in the UK can only be attributed to them and their government. who else could it be?

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who was in government when the recession hit? the recession as a whole was not the exclusive fault of labour but the recession in the UK can only be attributed to them and their government. who else could it be?


Based on your argument, since things are actually getting worse it must now be the fault of the tories. We had several good years while Labour were in power - can't remember any when the tories have been in - ever.

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And your proof is?????? I see nio proof - only of European recession and tory cuts. Lets all blame Labour - <REMOVED>.


I tell you what, why don't you click on my username and look at my previous posts. You'll get a nice comprehensive list of them all, along with links backing up my statements of waste.


Incidentally, did you see the article in the news today about the waste at the MOD? £22 for lightbulbs, £100 for screws - all thanks to Labour PFI contracts.




I'll put the important bit in red so you can see it:


In January, The Daily Telegraph disclosed that official figures showed that, under PFI schemes, British taxpayers were committed to pay £229 billion for new hospitals, schools and other projects with a capital value of just £56 billion.
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Based on your argument, since things are actually getting worse it must now be the fault of the tories. We had several good years while Labour were in power - can't remember any when the tories have been in - ever.


sorry but you failed to answer the question. who do you think is to blame for the uk recession?

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sorry but you failed to answer the question. who do you think is to blame for the uk recession?




The Bankers caused the initial one as the Govenor of The Bank of England, Mervyn King has stated:


'The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it'.

"Now is the period when the cost is being paid, I'm surprised that the degree of public anger has not been greater than it has."



The ConDems policies seem to be sending the economy southwards into a new recession however. The latest GDP figs were worse than originally thought.

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The Bankers caused the initial one as the Govenor of The Bank of England, Mervyn King has stated:


'The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it'.

"Now is the period when the cost is being paid, I'm surprised that the degree of public anger has not been greater than it has."



The ConDems policies seem to be sending the economy southwards into a new recession however. The latest GDP figs were worse than originally thought.


but the government regulates the banks, so either labour had lost control of the banking sector or they allowed the banks to act in a way that caused the crisis. which is it?


the recession is not over yet but the figures currently out are for the period of time when a lot of the country was covered in snow. this always slows industry. i would wait until the next set of figures or even the ones after before making a decision. in other areas, inflation is back to where it was pre recession and the stock market is back to normal almost.


this is not an endorsment of the condem's but its silly to make things up to suit your agenda (speaking in general here).

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and you think the Tories did a good job for the previous 18 years, with mass unemployment, riots, strikes, the shutting down of UK industries and by selling businesses to foreign owners, running down of services, poll tax, deregulation of the banks etc? The list goes on


Indeed it does, you forgot to mention that they left power with finances in the black. A surplus!


The last Labour government had more money to spend than any government before them and still managed to bankrupt the country!


The country was in a far far better state when the Conservatives lost power than we are now after a Labour government.

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who was in government when the recession hit? the recession as a whole was not the exclusive fault of labour but the recession in the UK can only be attributed to them and their government. who else could it be?


The recession was brought about by dodgey practices within the banking industry that stem back to the deregulation of the banks in 1980. Guess who was trying to run the country then?

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Indeed it does, you forgot to mention that they left power with finances in the black. A surplus!


The last Labour government had more money to spend than any government before them and still managed to bankrupt the country!


The country was in a far far better state when the Conservatives lost power than we are now after a Labour government.


Couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, Labour got in at exactly the wrong time, because it denied the Conservatives any chance of showing what they could do with a healthy economy - they'd only just finished repairing the previous Labour Government's damage when they were kicked out.

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