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Do you regret not voting Labour?

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Absolutely not.


Though (in some ways) it is a pity that Labour did not win the election. Then we would see how they planned to dig the country out of the debt hole they dropped it into.


Why didn't Milliband say that, should he ever got into power, he would scrap the tuition fees (proposed in a report commissioned by the previous Labour government) and why hasn't he made a commitment to reverse the cuts introduced by the current government?

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I didnt vote liebour or CON servative or lib dems so I can look in the mirror and feel good knowing I did the right thing.


How close do you stand to the mirror?


(From your avatar, I bet you couldn't fall flat on your face if you tried. :hihi:)

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I've no regrets either. None of the parties actually attract my vote anymore, so I voted for the person who I thought would make the best MP.


So far he is doing a sterling job, whilst one of his opponents continues to embarrass himself in local politics.


I don't regret my vote one bit.


I voted on pretty much the same basis. Don't rate my MP very much at all though.

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The last Labour government were diabolical, but not as bad as the present non government who nobody voted for.


People we thick enough to vote for the present government, just not enough people to let them govern outright. They had to bribe the Libs to seize power, which their leader accepted and sold their voters down the river. I say that because it will adversely affect the Libs, which their voter know,

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I can't believe we're even having this debate. Most people have the attention-span of a gnat and quickly forget how truly bad our politicians are.


No such excuse this time - in the space of 12 months, we've seen Labour, Tory and Lib-Dems in 'action'. They're all near-identical, inexperienced, in-it-for-themselves idiots who will lie and lie again to achieve the only things they're really interested in - power and the freebies that come with it.

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I can't believe we're even having this debate. Most people have the attention-span of a gnat and quickly forget how truly bad our politicians are.


No such excuse this time - in the space of 12 months, we've seen Labour, Tory and Lib-Dems in 'action'. They're all near-identical, inexperienced, in-it-for-themselves idiots who will lie and lie again to achieve the only things they're really interested in - power and the freebies that come with it.


Very true but the numpties will still go out and vote for the big 3 again next time.:loopy:

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