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Do you regret not voting Labour?

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Are some people still of the opinion that just because they voted Lib Dem and they are part of the coalition government that ALL of their manifesto pledges should be government policy now?


The lib dems are a junior partner in the coalition, therefore only a small number of their ideas will make it. They are punching above their weight generally and some of their ideas take time to filter through, such as the £10K personal allowance.


Its called democracy and just because you didn't get 100% of what you want, that doesn't make it wrong, it just makes you a whiney person who misunderstands one of the most important issues facing your place in the world.

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Are some people still of the opinion that just because they voted Lib Dem and they are part of the coalition government that ALL of their manifesto pledges should be government policy now?


The lib dems are a junior partner in the coalition, therefore only a small number of their ideas will make it. They are punching above their weight generally and some of their ideas take time to filter through, such as the £10K personal allowance.


Its called democracy and just because you didn't get 100% of what you want, that doesn't make it wrong, it just makes you a whiney person who misunderstands one of the most important issues facing your place in the world.


Thankfully,the 2nd part of your statement, 'only a small number of their ideas will make it' isnt true.

See below


1.We are getting back on track.Every day this year we have had to borrow 400 million, as for every £300 coming in we are spending £400 so we are tackling the debt.Labour got rid of the boom , now we are left bust.


2.More money in the nhs each year real terms and also keeping on course to deliver Britain s foreign aid targets.


3.The earnings link has been restored to the state pension guaranteeing an end to the 75 p rises under labour and ensuring an increase of at least 2.5 per cent each year.


4.Delivering the first step on increasing personal tax allowance going up by 1000 this year to £7475 and rising to 10k by the end of this parliament.


5.Introducing a pupil premium that will target extra money and support at the most disadvantaged children.


6. 500,000 students will now receive bigger maintenance grants: 200,000 part time students will be freed from paying up front tuition fees for the first time;and every graduate will face lower monthly repayment figures. In short the system is better than the current one.


7 2.5bn a year bankers levy, the continuation of the 50p tax rate and the first steps on the road to bringing capital gains tax in line with income tax.


8. 900m invested in the battle against tax evasion that should see 7bn more recouped by the treasury from the fat cats and city slickers.


By 2015 we shall still be employing the same number of people in the public sector as in 2006 and we will have a greener fairer and freer economy.

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dont like conservatives never have, but i think they are the only ones who are going to sort this country out financially/debt wise and immigration wise. labour did nowt in thier tenure exept give in to every crocadile teared immigrant who said they'd be killed if they went back to thier home and were later found out to be liars who were sending 60% of thier earnings back to the country of thier birth. Labour would have borrowed and borrowed untill we as a country were declared bankrupt just to cover thier mistakes, they try to please all the people all the time, somebodys got to hurt, labour like to hurt the upper class and richer proportion of the population, conservatives seem to target the lower to middle class people and lib dem they are basically a bunch of yes men who if they had got in power would have dug us deeper into debt while screwing over anyone they could to recoup some of the cash. they're all crooks, its been proved through the expenses scandals and no doubt they'll be screwing cash from the public in other ways we dont even know about yet

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I don't regret it, in fact I'm happy with a coalition in that ideas will be shared and compromises to try and benefit the many are adopted.


I note that Labour will say nothing about what they would do to fix things other than spout generalisations - watch BBC1's Sunday Politics Show at the way Ed Balls was made to look a fool to see this.


But I do resent the fact that the Tories are made the scapegoats just because they've been left cleaning up the mess Labour made. One half of me would have like to have seen Labour flounder, but the country would have been far far worse than it is now.

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I don't regret it, in fact I'm happy with a coalition in that ideas will be shared and compromises to try and benefit the many are adopted.


I note that Labour will say nothing about what they would do to fix things other than spout generalisations - watch BBC1's Sunday Politics Show at the way Ed Balls was made to look a fool to see this.


But I do resent the fact that the Tories are made the scapegoats just because they've been left cleaning up the mess Labour made. One half of me would have like to have seen Labour flounder, but the country would have been far far worse than it is now.


I would suggest that rather than the tories it is Clegg who has had to carry the can and the abuse that he has been subjected to has been phenomenal.Well I guess we have the right wing press to blame for that.

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happy to have voted libdem and probably will again!:)


I'm guessing that you're just one of a very small number who is happy that your party has gained much more power than you expected.


Just about everyone else has slagged off Clegg and his party for being sell-outs, but I certainly don't see it like that and welcome cross party collaboration.

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I would suggest that rather than the tories it is Clegg who has had to carry the can and the abuse that he has been subjected to has been phenomenal.Well I guess we have the right wing press to blame for that.




The abuse Clegg has got from members of this forum has been sickening and made me ashamed to be a part of this forum at times, particularly when you present evidence and facts to them and they refuse to acknowledge it and continue to spout their rubbish.

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I'm guessing that you're just one of a very small number who is happy that your party has gained much more power than you expected.


Just about everyone else has slagged off Clegg and his party for being sell-outs, but I certainly don't see it like that and welcome cross party collaboration.


I am happy to say I am a big floater:D I wanted a coalition that excluded labour-happy days.


Not that I want to pay the money back we owe just as I hate paying off my credit card!


I would vote for them again because I think they have done fine as the junior coalition partner and I want compromises rather than wild fluctuations from left to right

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