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The Gov of Bank of England says the cuts are because of the bailouts..

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After so many years of growth (sixteen I think, 1992-2008), he probably thought there was no need too!

Remember the Cons said right up and to the credit crunch that they wouldn't cut public spending.


Exactly, Brown thought that an economy could grow indefinitely on cheap credit, it couldn't. Brown really thought that there would be no bust, the problem is the bigger the bubble the bigger the bust.


What Brown should have done was to try to move the economy away from a reliance on cheap credit during the years of growth, he could have really turned this country around, but all he wanted to do was bask in what he perceived to be his success. He was a very vain and bitter individual.

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Its not just the banks to blame though, Labour wasted a shocking amount of money during their time in power - BSF, and ID cards to name just two.


There was also something in the news yesterday about the massive increase in traffic light deployment. 33,000 extra sets of lights at something like a minimum of £100K per set.


Or the huge cost in the setting up of the anti terror laws.


I don't think ID cards were a waste of money, there were/are a good idea but some of the public just didn't like the idea. The scheme was dropped because of public opinion. That, to me, doesn't constitute a waste of money.

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It's not going to stop the cabinet of millionaires - who mostly seem to have done alright out of the financial crisis - trying to tell us that the deficit was not caused by the financiial sector, in which they have extensive direct and indirect interests. We are all in this together, don't you know.

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I don't think ID cards were a waste of money, there were/are a good idea but some of the public just didn't like the idea. The scheme was dropped because of public opinion. That, to me, doesn't constitute a waste of money.


But it had already cost £5 billion, and was to cost £86 million a year to run.


It was a good idea, but flawed from the outset yet Labour went ahead anyway.

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This is absolute dynamite and one in the eye for all the 'It's Browns fault' trolls who like to pretend it was caused buy building all those nasty unneeded schools and hospitals.


What, you mean like the £24 million Aedas’ Christ the King Centre for Learning in Huyton, Liverpool, earmarked for closure after just TWO YEARS?


And like many other BSF schools, financially struggling because of the operating costs. Big open plan modern buildings with lots of glass and air con and heating can recoup their money by raising rents. Public buildings can't do the same. Or perhaps you don't mind paying extra council tax to run a building that costs twice as much (or more) to run than the old?


But no doubt you'll just bury your head in the sand when it comes to facts like this.



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I don't think ID cards were a waste of money, there were/are a good idea but some of the public just didn't like the idea. The scheme was dropped because of public opinion. That, to me, doesn't constitute a waste of money.


Of course it does!They should have done their homework BEFORE they spent our money.

You probably think we would all benefit from a chip in the neck too and had Labour had half the chance we would probably get it!


At least this goverment is trying to give us some of our rights back that the last bunch of control freaks took away,all in the name of terror of course!

What terror?

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The brown eye blue eye study in Psychology should tell you something about why we are in this mess. People believe what they are told about themselves by figures of authority.


We live in an elitist hierarchical system which creates a self fulfilling prophecy of success for the privileged and failure for the poor.


And it's not a question of a few lip service solutions which are meant to overturn the weight of this disadvantage. Working class kids are not only deprived economically, they are impoverished on every level of social interaction, and the Psychological deficits are much harder to overcome.


Discrimination is still alive and "well" in our society. Even if when you have finished Uni and land a job, the level of snobbery (Labour sponsored) within institutions like schools for instance is a real barrier to working class people advancing.


The "old school tie" has been replaced by the holiday in provence or the German car. And if you find this kind of superficial overcompensation sickening, you are singled out and often pushed out because you don’t "fit in".


It's this materialist snobbery which has made the public no longer able to feel and be incensed by profits being put before people. And it will need to get much worse before the veil of ignorance can be removed and people see these sharks for what they are.


In a twist of irony I look forward to the Tory’s having no clue where peoples flip out switch is, since most of them have no soul and are so inculcated into the sickness of minority privilege that they will inevitably push it too far. I can't wait!

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What, you mean like the £24 million Aedas’ Christ the King Centre for Learning in Huyton, Liverpool, earmarked for closure after just TWO YEARS?


And like many other BSF schools, financially struggling because of the operating costs. Big open plan modern buildings with lots of glass and air con and heating can recoup their money by raising rents. Public buildings can't do the same. Or perhaps you don't mind paying extra council tax to run a building that costs twice as much (or more) to run than the old?


But no doubt you'll just bury your head in the sand when it comes to facts like this.





Whichever Govts. are in there will always be example of where money has been spent badly. Let's not be distracted though from the what the Govenor of The Bank of England says:


'The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it'.

"Now is the period when the cost is being paid, I'm surprised that the degree of public anger has not been greater than it has."

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