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Faking illness online for sympathy and attention.

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There's an interesting article in the Guardian about people who use online forums and pretend to have illnesses and problems just to gain sympathy and attention. A kind of Münchhausen's Syndrome by Internet.


I've sometimes had my suspicions that happens on this forum, but give people the benefit of the doubt, but I definitely know of it happening on another forum I once used.


Article here - http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/feb/26/faking-illness-online-munchausen


It's attention seeking, they should seek professional help

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As far as I know, and as far as could be proven by checking the ISP's, it wasn't the person in question who pretended to be dead.


It was a so-called friend of theirs who, out of mischief/? spite?/ ?malice? started the thread that announced the member's "death".


Looking at the ISPs proves very little, since access to more than one ISP is very common.

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As far as I know, and as far as could be proven by checking the ISP's, it wasn't the person in question who pretended to be dead.


It was a so-called friend of theirs who, out of mischief/? spite?/ ?malice? started the thread that announced the member's "death".


Mobile phone and laptop?

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As far as I know, and as far as could be proven by checking the ISP's, it wasn't the person in question who pretended to be dead.


It was a so-called friend of theirs who, out of mischief/? spite?/ ?malice? started the thread that announced the member's "death".


I did say other people's deaths in my post.. See..


Or other people's deaths..

This happened only the other week on this very forum..


I saw the person who was supposed to be dead, back here on the forum announcing that they were still very much alive and kicking.. :)

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i posted a similar thread a couple of weeks ago..there are some people that fein illness to get attention.others do not i was diagnosed with a hyperchondrical disorder over 10 yrs ago..the 2 are very different indeed.knowingly doing it and the other not intentially doing it.i suffered a massive mental breakdown at the time.iam very well now im glad to say..but i cannot help wondering the 2 very close together but in reality miles apart.:)

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