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Foreign aid to increase by 30%

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charity begins at home, if you havent got it you cant give it, yet were put in termoil to give cameron and his side kick a boost in politics, yet we still face hardship our own country faces the demons but still these countries need it more than us. camerons nay use nay ornemant. chocolate fire guard comes to light :)

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It is our duty to help those in need be it in the UK or abroad.Is it only Pakistan you have a problem with?.
No it isn't only Pakistan, read my earlier post.

This country is broke finacialy social care is being cut to the sick and elderly in this country, the list goes on, £Bilions has been poured into these so called poor countrys who after all their years of independence are no further on than 60 years ago, thay are corrupt and obviously not capable of looking after themselves as they claim to be.

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What about the fat cats running some of these charities? Last week the big chief at, "Amnesty international," trousered a nice £500.000 pay off. Heres me thinking this particular charity helps the poor????

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