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What do you like about Sheffield?

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The people on SF and in Sheffield are great , it's the stinky place I don't like and the roads are c**p. If I win lottery or retire whichever comes first you won't see my bum for dust:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I like the way that when the passengers are getting off the buses we say thanks to the bus drivers. I love Graves Park, Meersbrook Park, Norfolk Park and all the smaller parks round it. I hate the litter that seeps and winds its way along every street, and hate the people who drop it. There are loads of great restaurants and cafes. Nether Edge and Sharrow Vale are great. The hair and beauty shop by the Northern General is lovely, as are the shops opposite the Hallamshire. Heeley City Farm is fantastic. The walled garden at Meersbrook. The architecture; there are so many really fabulous buildings that we never notice. Our libraries are fantastic. Our old people are brilliant. Trying to close Woodland View is complete rubbish; as are all the closures of services for people with dementia.

I like Sheffield being bigger than Manchester (not Greater Manchester) and having a lower crime rate. I hate the way we never seem to be included in weather reports or maps of the UK, (except when we had the floods). I like the way that there's somewhere beautiful to walk in most parts of the city.

I hate the way Tesco seems to be taking over. I could go on....

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