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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Can you show in what way with facts.


Yes, infact I don't have to, the government already has.


"Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse". Nutt, David, Leslie A King, William Saulsbury, Colin Blakemore. The Lancet 2007

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Strange that the government would grant a home office license to research the therapeutic uses of Cannabis in Psychotherapy? The Becksley college is doing so and researching the application of Cannabis in creativity and the possible investigation into the nature of consciousness.

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Where have you shown me anything other than an opinion?


Post 37. It is not an opinion.


You've not shown me one actual dictionary (any) defining alcohol as a drug.


You can do it for yourself by simply turing to the page in your dictionary that describes what a drug is.


I didn't introduce alcohol into this thread (guess who did) which is about ‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk'


It's important not to take risk out of all proportion and thus it is not unreasonable to compare one drug with another. It is entirely appropriate to discuss the effects/damage of alcohol in this thread as a comparison to the effects and damage caused by cannabis.

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If people behave normally after smoking cannabis were they abnormal before?

Possibly in some cases, yes. Treatments for psychosis using extracts of cannabis are currently being trialled. The hope is to develop the antipsychotic effects of cannabis into medicine.


People are often surprised that Cannabis also has antipsychotic properties, as well as the psychosis inducing properties as stated in the research paper (which incidentally Bassman hasn't (been able to) read yet).


But unlike alcohol, cocaine, MDMA, dexamphetamine etc, cannabis is not a drug, it is a plant that contains more than one psychoactive substance.

If Cannabis does not change peoples perception why do they smoke it?

I'm not sure where you got the idea from that it doesn't change perceptions, it does.

If Cannabis has no effect why smoke it?

Indeed. From that question, and a quick observation of the world, it's clear that cannabis does have effects.


The effects depend on the cannabis, and the precise ratios of the principle psychoactives, and also the non-psychoactive congeners that have been shown to strongly moderate the characteristics of the experience.

IF Cannabis gets you stoned do you think you should drive while stoned?
Should you drive? No. Are you more or less dangerous after smoking a spliff or drinking a glass of wine? Less dangerous, but still more dangerous than if you were soberunless you are a heavy cannabis user in which case a small amount of cannabis will improve your driving.


Does Cannabis get you stoned quicker than alcohol used in the regular way?

Although cannabis reaches the bloodstream quickly through the lungs, it takes a long time to cross the blood/brain barrier in significant quantities.


The full high after smoking cannabis takes 20-40 minutes to make itself fully felt.


Alcohol takes longer to get into the bloodstream, but once there, crosses the blood brain barrier very easily indeed. The full high after drinking alcohol takes about 10-30 minutes to make itself fully felt.


On a side not, I just thought I'd crosspost some info from wikipedia regarding the suitability of the the word "drug" as applied to alcohol.


Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol, is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid. It is a powerful psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs.




A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.[3] There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.[4]




Recreational drugs are chemical substances that affect the central nervous system, such as opioids or hallucinogens.[5] They may be used for perceived beneficial effects on perception, consciousness, personality, and behavior.[5][6] Some drugs can cause addiction and/or habituation.[6]


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It's important not to take risk out of all proportion and thus it is not unreasonable to compare one drug with another. It is entirely appropriate to discuss the effects/damage of alcohol in this thread as a comparison to the effects and damage caused by cannabis.
But not against alcohol which is not a drug under the correct definitions in the dictionay.
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People are often surprised that Cannabis also has antipsychotic properties, as well as the psychosis inducing properties as stated in the research paper (which incidentally Bassman hasn't (been able to) read yet).

I've posted the report that I've read which is:-‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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