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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Alcohol is not a drug! if you insist I will once again print the true Oxford Dictionary defintion of alcohol which never mentions the word drug.

This is just a ploy by you and the escapists for justyfying getting the thread closed and therefore masking the truth regarding the dangers of Cannabis use.



No, quite right alcohol is brilliant, no health side effects, no anti-social effects, causes NO harm whatsoever! I wouldn't suggest for one moment that cannabis is "100% safe" but neither are fatty foods, salty foods, sugary foods, etc. The fact is that most things in moderation are fine and it's up to the individual to make a judgement on what they do or don't do. Having used both alcohol and cannabis over a prolonged period I can enjoy both. Alcohol is not a drug? What has the Oxford dictionary definition got to do with anything!? Alcohol is a substance you take that affects your senses so whether it's "officially" a drug or not is completely irrelevant, it can still be dicussed and compared or shall we put it in the same bracket as say, water?? Alcohol has a hell of a lot of physical and mental side effects as does cannabis but alcohol causes a lot more problems for society in regards to violence, anti-social behaviour etc. Wonder what your opinion would be if the tables were turned and many years ago it happened to be cannabis that was the legal, taxable, socially acceptable drug and not alcohol.....think I can guess.

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HA HA HA HA!! I can't believe you have just said "Alcohol is not a drug"!!! You have just proven that you don't know what you are talking about and therefore rendered this thres as useless! Pah!


I suppose caffeine isn't a drug either is it?


If alcohol was introduced into society today it would be given an A classification and banned instantly!


Completely agree with your last sentence. If some people actually used their own minds and judgement and not just go on "what's legal" then we might get more sensible arguments for and against.

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HA HA HA HA!! I can't believe you have just said "Alcohol is not a drug"!!! You have just proven that you don't know what you are talking about and therefore rendered this thres as useless! Pah!


So back up with facts not silly childish remarks.

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No, quite right alcohol is brilliant, no health side effects, no anti-social effects, causes NO harm whatsoever! I wouldn't suggest for one moment that cannabis is "100% safe" but neither are fatty foods, salty foods, sugary foods, etc. The fact is that most things in moderation are fine and it's up to the individual to make a judgement on what they do or don't do. Having used both alcohol and cannabis over a prolonged period I can enjoy both. Alcohol is not a drug? What has the Oxford dictionary definition got to do with anything!? Alcohol is a substance you take that affects your senses so whether it's "officially" a drug or not is completely irrelevant, it can still be dicussed and compared or shall we put it in the same bracket as say, water?? Alcohol has a hell of a lot of physical and mental side effects as does cannabis but alcohol causes a lot more problems for society in regards to violence, anti-social behaviour etc. Wonder what your opinion would be if the tables were turned and many years ago it happened to be cannabis that was the legal, taxable, socially acceptable drug and not alcohol.....think I can guess.
You have said nothing of substance even to the point of belittling the oxford dictionary now.
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Hardly a good example is it? You hear 1 story (or maybe 3) about a tallentless numb skull like George Michael smashing into a tree and hurting no body, not even himself! How many people are killed as a direct result of drink driving???
That is immaterial it wasn't his first escapade involving drugs.


Thsi thread is about:- ‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk', as per usual it gets hijacked like many threads when certain posters who it would be very easy to form the opinion that they seem to have an agenda try to get discussion closed by bringing other issues like Magilla did when in troducing alcohol to derail the thread and get it closed'

I wonder why:suspect:

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The fact that no-one was hurt is more a matter of luck than judgement though...


If he was stoned he was probable not going fast enough to kill anyone!


Besides that, my main point is that there are far more accidents due to alcohol!

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