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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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But it's always the same bunch who close ranks regarding cannabis and try and divert attention onto alcohol.

I stated that I usualy drink two pints of lager shandy per week and was accused of taking drugs for recreational purposes this was also on a Cannabis topic.

I have pointed out that alcohol is not correctly defined as a drug.


What are you talking about? Belittling the oxford dictionary!? Ha ha. Like i said what does that matter!!!??? Plus everyone knows it's a drug, your two pints of lager shandy per week qualify you as a druggie im afraid! Is there a link between weed and psychosis? Possibly, there are reports and studies suggesting yes and no. Is there a link between the fact that you are so anal and uptight and the fact you dont smoke weed? He he probably (joke before you start)

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But it's always the same bunch who close ranks regarding cannabis and try and divert attention onto alcohol.

I stated that I usualy drink two pints of lager shandy per week and was accused of taking drugs for recreational purposes this was also on a Cannabis topic.

I have pointed out that alcohol is not correctly defined as a drug.


the actuality is


you poo poo cannabis as it has dangers (and it DOES have dangers)


you seem to believe (wrongly) that alcohol ISNT a drug, which also has its own dangers


now to correlate your own alcohol use with that of cannabis, you say you drink a couple of shandys a week without any dangers or major effects?


you can also smoke one or two joints a week without ANY addiction, danger or major effects too (dont forget when making a joint you can put in as much or as little of cannabis as you want, its actually easier to regulate than alcohol for your own consumption.


both alcohol and cannabis effect the body and mind in a very similer way, although with cannabis is not as "dizzy", until you smoke far too much, or "whitey" specially when youve been drinking first :gag:


what id say about cannabis regarding psychological cases, the majority of the times cannabis TRIGGERS an undiagnosed condition rathert han creating it.

Also in my time on the drug scene ive noticed a fair proportion of people with known mental health issues who gravitate towards it, but im not sure why, i know here a couple of skitzophrenics that were / are heavy users.

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So are you in support of cannabis use knowing as you claim to do all the facts and dangers?


I neither support nor condone its use, I leave that up to the individual because I believe in personal liberty, and that no government has the right to legislate over my brain chemistry. I believe the law is wrong and there are plenty of policemen, judges, politicians, and lawyers who agree.


Cannabis isn't safe. No-one is claiming that it is. This "oh-so safe cannabis" is an exemplary straw man argument. Cannabis is relatively safe in comparison to many other substances ingested by humans to alter their consciousness.


Have you read the scientific paper you referred to in the OP?

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Very true and the effect this oh so safe drug can have in later life regarding psychosis. but that is just the tip of the iceberg regarding serious health dangers that can be caused by cannabis.


If the bottom line here is "teens shouldn't smoke cannabis" then I doubt you'll find many people in disagreement with that.


Personally I would add that since cannabis is illegal, teens are especially at risk. The output is not regulated.

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I am well aware that Cannabis use/legalising has already been a topic but this is evidence of the danger of taking Cannabis which some people claim is perfectly safe.

It is essential that the myth of Cannabis being 100% safe is exploded


‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk'

Cannabis & Psychosis is well established, until now it has been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This research strongly suggests that the use of Cannabis comes 1st rather than taking it for the symptoms.


Using Cannabis as a teenager or a young adult increases the risk of psychosis, a report suggests.


The study is published in the 'British Medical Journal' involving 1900 people over a 10yr period.


Although the link between Cannabis & Psychosis is well-established until now it had been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This report strongly suggests that Cannabis use comes 1st, rather than people taking it for the symptoms...


So what?? What does increased risk even mean??

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Thsi thread is about:- ‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk', as per usual it gets hijacked like many threads when certain posters who it would be very easy to form the opinion that they seem to have an agenda try to get discussion closed by bringing other issues like Magilla did when in troducing alcohol to derail the thread and get it closed'


Nonsense, I fully explained why it's vital that risk is assessed proportionally in post 173. You read and responded to it, did you forget already?


Comparing cannabis to alcohol is well within the scope of this topic unless you have some vested interest in keeping it out of the discussion. (which you clearly do, for obvious reasons)


I wonder why:suspect:


You could only wonder why if you haven't understood the discussion.

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first time ive heard that, i thought ANYBODY could have it, its a mental illness


Been poor increases the risk of schizophrenia.


The poverty risk factor is a far bigger one than the cannabis one, and at £20+ an eighth, tokers' finances aren't brilliant.

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Been poor increases the risk of schizophrenia.


The poverty risk factor is a far bigger one than the cannabis one, and at £20+ an eighth, tokers' finances aren't brilliant.


TWENTY QUID?? an eighth

used to only be 15 lol

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