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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Sitting in someones flat chatting and passing joints isn't very similar to going to a few drinks, a night out, meeting new people etc.


I don't understand, how is it different? Both scenarios involve human beings engaging in primeval social behaviour, sharing drugs and engaging with other people in an informal setting.

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if cannabis and ecstasy where controlled substances, as opposed to being illegal - that were available from regulated dealers - it would be much safer than it is now.



The government would benefit massively from the extra taxes. Importation, organized crime and other terrorist funding actives would be reduced because there would no longer be a demand on the black market. As for the availability of super skunks - If we would not be prosecuted for growing our own for personal use, we would firstly, be able to judge the strength for our selves and secondly, as relating to other controlled substances, help to eradicate the need for a black market

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You go to different peoples flats/houses etc. and meet other smokers, purely on the basis that your smokers, you have a drink too, some take other things also, you trade goods, labour etc.


Exactly. Not very social.

In my opinion cannabis is for the quiet nights in when there isn't much going on, alcohol is linked with nights out meeting new people, I know which I prefer if given a choice.

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2 litres of high strength cider= £3 or less.


Still more expensive than petrol.


Tastes like crap and can be made by anybody for 1p a Litre.


Plenty of apples go to waste, you can scrump in most parts of the UK. I give the stuff away. I only make it when I see apples which would go to waste.

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Well start a thread about it then this thread is about:- ‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk'


do you believe that if you say it over and over and over it will make it any more true?


what kind of cannibis for a start?

how much?

why do you think comparison of other DRUGS ie alcohol is taking this off topic when it clearly isn't.




"Conclusion. Cannabis use is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic symptoms. Continued cannabis use might increase the risk for psychotic disorder by impacting on the persistence of symptoms."




Asking some one three times in a decade is not exactly an in-depth scientific review.

also there is absolutley no currently possible way to identify which humans will become psychotic in the future.

the mildest of people become very angry over the smallest of incidents.


and in my experiences

cannabis never made the mild people angry, but it did make the angry people chilled.

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Exactly. Not very social.

In my opinion cannabis is for the quiet nights in when there isn't much going on, alcohol is linked with nights out meeting new people, I know which I prefer if given a choice.


You still meet smokers elsewhere, music venues, parks etc., just with pubs an clubs being popular you tend to gather there first an have a couple of bevvies whilst your waiting...

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they have spent a hell of a lot of time and money to discover that it might,maybe,perhaps could possibly have a detrimental effect on a few people's mental health,while demonising it and ignoring some of the many medical uses it has.

The drugs industry don't want people producing their own medicines when there is much money to be made by selling their dangerous poisons to us.(ever read the possible side effects of most medication,it can be scary).


Anyone out there on anti-depressants ?.

Check out the leaflet.


"Prozac Side Effects ...Insomnia, weakness, and loss of appetite are among the most common side effects reported with Prozac. Some of the side effects that are rare (seen in less than 1 percent of patients) include canker sores, high cholesterol, and acne. In most cases, side effects of Prozac are minor and either do not require medical attention or can be treated easily. However, if you develop any serious problems, such as suicidal thoughts or behavior, hallucinations, or panic attacks, notify your healthcare provider immediately."

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You said I am wrong. put up or shut up.


You ARE wrong.


it is not automatically unsafe to drive whilst on cannabis or any other drug-

accidents occur with and with out drugs.


Common sense tells everyone that the more alcohol you have the greater the chances are that you will screw up when driving. ditto for cannabis.


A lot of drunk people fail miserably at basic tasks ie walking, talking and er drinking. ditto for cannabis users, but not so much as the way the drugs affect you are different.


those points do not make you right there are too many variables for a generalisation like yours to be taken seriously.

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Why are we driving people to drink when there's a safer alternative?


GHB? Similar effects to alcohol, but much less toxic.


Seriously, cannabis isn't an alternative to alcohol. Alcohol doesn't improve your night vision, doesn't improve urinary sphincter tone (smoking pot lowers your risk of incontinence), doesn't enhance your appreciation of music.


In fact alcohol renders the ear itself less sensitive, whereas pot increases muscle tone in the stapedium and improves hearing sensitivity.


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant - for use by people who want to depress the action of their central nervous system and lose inhibitions, arousal, reasoning, focus, binocular vision, their breakfast and liver function.


Cannabis is very much the opposite to alcohol and not so much the alternative to it. It increases arousal, stimulates thinking, increases nighttime visual acuity, permits greater leaps of the imagination, supresses nausea, stimulates appetite and nourishes the mind.


Physical dependency on alcohol is well documented, physical dependency on cannabis is unheard of.


Cannabis is far from safe. But it's far from dangerous too.

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GHB? Similar effects to alcohol, but much less toxic.


Seriously, cannabis isn't an alternative to alcohol. Alcohol doesn't improve your night vision, doesn't improve urinary sphincter tone (smoking pot lowers your risk of incontinence), doesn't enhance your appreciation of music.


In fact alcohol renders the ear itself less sensitive, whereas pot increases muscle tone in the stapedium and improves hearing sensitivity.


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant - for use by people who want to depress the action of their central nervous system and lose inhibitions, arousal, reasoning, focus, binocular vision, their breakfast and liver function.


Cannabis is very much the opposite to alcohol and not so much the alternative to it. It increases arousal, stimulates thinking, increases nighttime visual acuity, permits greater leaps of the imagination, supresses nausea, stimulates appetite and nourishes the mind.


Physical dependency on alcohol is well documented, physical dependency on cannabis is unheard of.


Cannabis is far from safe. But it's far from dangerous too.




Just beautiful.

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