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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Sitting in someones flat chatting and passing joints isn't very similar to going to a few drinks, a night out, meeting new people etc.

People sit in flats chatting and passing joints because it's illegal to do so at the pub, not because it is an anti-social drug.


Ecstacy is a social drug, I bet the proportion who take it on their own or at home is minute. Ecstacy should be legal because people take it with their friends on a night out?


I know which I prefer if given a choice.

I think choice is the key word in what you've said.

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People sit in flats chatting and passing joints because it's illegal to do so at the pub, not because it is an anti-social drug.


Ecstacy is a social drug, I bet the proportion who take it on their own or at home is minute. Ecstacy should be legal because people take it with their friends on a night out?



I think choice is the key word in what you've said.


I think you misread my post, no where did I say that the reason alcohol is legal is because it's social.



Also, I said it is an anti-social drug when comparing it to alcohol. Originally I was referring to the effects it has on an individual. Personally I am a lot less bothered about socialising when stoned than when I've had a few drinks, this is the case with NEARLY everyone I know.

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Originally I was referring to the effects it has on an individual. Personally I am a lot less bothered about socialising when stoned than when I've had a few drinks

Cannabis isn't anti-social though. With all respect your point doesn't stand.


It depends on what you mean by 'socialising' to agree with the second part. Getting ready and booking a taxi and going to a nightclub when stoned is a rare occurence, but talking to people and sharing ideas and thoughts is extremely common. The fact that I can't do the latter in a pub is due to the law, not the nature of the drug.

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Cannabis isn't anti-social though. With all respect your point doesn't stand.


It depends on what you mean by 'socialising' to agree with the second part. Getting ready and booking a taxi and going to a nightclub when stoned is a rare occurence, but talking to people and sharing ideas and thoughts is extremely common. The fact that I can't do the latter in a pub is due to the law, not the nature of the drug.


My point does stand as I stated it was personal opinion.

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Going a bit off topic, I've never believed that abusing alcohol turns men into monsters and makes them violent, or makes women promiscuous or violent; I think these people are predisposed to this behavior in the first place and the alcohol merely brings it out.


On the rare occasions that I've had slightly to much alcohol I just act silly :D

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Going a bit off topic, I've never believed that abusing alcohol turns men into monsters and makes them violent, or makes women promiscuous or violent; I think these people are predisposed to this behavior in the first place and the alcohol merely brings it out.


On the rare occasions that I've had slightly to much alcohol I just act silly :D


That's the point people miss, they continue to compare any use of cannabis to excessive use of alcohol.

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Going a bit off topic, I've never believed that abusing alcohol turns men into monsters and makes them violent, or makes women promiscuous or violent; I think these people are predisposed to this behavior in the first place and the alcohol merely brings it out.


On the rare occasions that I've had slightly to much alcohol I just act silly :D

I agree with you, and for those people who have stopped blaming their drunken friends for their own behaviour and realised that its themselves and their own issues surfacing, I think its unfare that should they choose to enjoy something else rather than put themselves and the general public through their "issues" that they are ridiculed!


I listened to a female care assistant calling a smoker a druggie the other month...shes addicted to co codamol, and very stupidly thought that she wasnt a drug addict because her GP gives her them, if her Gp doesnt give her enough, she steals them from her elderly clients...Far far worse than the smoker sat in his or her own home, not causing anyone else a problem, but amazingly she still thought she was better, when infact she is a theiving druggie.:rant:

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Going a bit off topic, I've never believed that abusing alcohol turns men into monsters and makes them violent, or makes women promiscuous or violent; I think these people are predisposed to this behavior in the first place and the alcohol merely brings it out.


On the rare occasions that I've had slightly to much alcohol I just act silly :D



Unfortunately the evidence proves otherwise as alcohol is directly related to causing those problems. It interferes with receptors in the brain and can destroy or permanently alter them. It can also destroy other bodily parts. As you can see, alcohol is also classed as a drug.




Whereas, the brain has dedicated cannabis receptors that are designed to take up and use cannabis so its effect is safer than that of alcohol. The body also naturally produces its own form of cannabis so taking cannabis can actually be beneficial. Its cannabis that can cause psychosis in those that are predisposed to it and not alcohol.

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