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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Unfortunately the evidence proves otherwise as alcohol is directly related to causing those problems. It interferes with receptors in the brain and can destroy or permanently alter them. It can also destroy other bodily parts. As you can see, alcohol is also classed as a drug.




Whereas, the brain has dedicated cannabis receptors that are designed to take up and use cannabis so its effect is safer than that of alcohol. The body also naturally produces its own form of cannabis so taking cannabis can actually be beneficial. Its cannabis that can cause psychosis in those that are predisposed to it and not alcohol.

You can google anytime and find page upon page on any subject you like Spindrift does it all the time.

There are loads of pages about cannabis other drugs and alcohol.

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cannabis farm fire:



I think you've provided a great service to society by posting that clip, it just shows how dangerous cannabis is and supports why it should still be banned.

You have just inmproved by 00000.1% of a degree in my estimation, keep up the good work there's hope for you yet.

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Exactly. Not very social.

In my opinion cannabis is for the quiet nights in when there isn't much going on, alcohol is linked with nights out meeting new people, I know which I prefer if given a choice.


Which us why I mentioned Amsterdam, where pot is legal! If it was legal in this country and you were allowed to smoke it in licenced bars, people wouldn't be forced to stay indoors and use it, would they??

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I think you've provided a great service to society by posting that clip, it just shows how dangerous cannabis is and supports why it should still be banned.

You have just inmproved by 00000.1% of a degree in my estimation, keep up the good work there's hope for you yet.


You are starting to sound silly now! I have lost all respect for you!


Cannabis is not dangerous in any way what so ever! No body dies as a direct use of cannabis. It makes the majority of users feel relaxed and heightens their senses. It makes people laugh their ass off and unleashes peoples creativity!


The only dark side to the drug comes from the fact that it is illegal and it gets tied in with drug related crime, which would stop if it were legalised! It grows naturally all over the world and people can even grow it themselves for personal use. To say it is dangerous is a bare faced lie and it proves that you know nothing about the subject!!!


I'm going to my mates house for a smoke now!

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The nice thing about cannabis, that distinguishes it from tobacco in the harm stakes, is that you can eat it.




You can chew tobacco if you want and take snuff-ewhich was made at Wilsons in Sheffield 11 at one time

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Cannabis is not dangerous in any way what so ever! No body dies as a direct use of cannabis. It makes the majority of users feel relaxed and heightens their senses. It makes people laugh their ass off and unleashes peoples creativity!


The only dark side to the drug comes from the fact that it is illegal and it gets tied in with drug related crime, which would stop if it were legalised! It grows naturally all over the world and people can even grow it themselves for personal use. To say it is dangerous is a bare faced lie and it proves that you know nothing about the subject!!!


I'm going to my mates house for a smoke now!

What an irresponsible post, cannabis damages your lungs far more than tobacco does.

When I get back from my shooting club I'll post a factual comparrison account between the two.

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You can google anytime and find page upon page on any subject you like Spindrift does it all the time.

There are loads of pages about cannabis other drugs and alcohol.


Yes I know but the trouble is convincing some people, despite the evidence given in those pages, that what they say is wrong especially when it come to saying that alcohol is not a drug.


So why do YOU think cannabis is dangerous as all you are doing is posting one link and quoting spin from it. The report suggests a link that's all and that is nowhere near saying its proof.

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