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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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What an irresponsible post, cannabis damages your lungs far more than tobacco does.

When I get back from my shooting club I'll post a factual comparrison account between the two.


Ha ha shooting club!!?? Whats more dangerous? Guns or a joint!? Can't think of anything more dangerous than some "clean living good guy" like yourself toting a shotgun! You don't even qualify for an opinion on this subject anyway, if you've never had it and you've never known anyone to die or suffer directly from using it then how can you insist cannabis is SO dangerous!? Do thousands and thousands of people in the Netherlands die or suffer from psychosis compared to any other country?? Would like to see the percentages....case closed. If something SO lethal was legal as it is in Holland and freely used by millions i think they'd have a few more problems don't you? Im off to gun down some animals now, bye.

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I think you've provided a great service to society by posting that clip, it just shows how dangerous cannabis is and supports why it should still be banned.


Not at all, it shows exactly why it should be made legal and regulated.


A fire isn't really anything to do with cannabis other than criminals have no reason to make sure their electrical devices are up to standard, correctly installed & safe. It's illegality is the primary reason why the fire scenario arises in the first place.


Also ofcourse, if it were legal to cultivate, then you wouldn't need to rely on electrical devices to anything like the same amount, reducing any risk even further:-



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What an irresponsible post, cannabis damages your lungs far more than tobacco does.

When I get back from my shooting club I'll post a factual comparrison account between the two.


Don't bother! I don't know where you find these so called facts of yours but I do know that they are all a load of rubbish!


Cannabis isn't as harmful as tobacco. Smoking a joint with tobacco in it is far more damaging than a cigarette, but that's common sense! A joint doesn't have a filter for the smoke like a cigarette does.


If you smoke pure cannabis through a specially made device such as a bong full of ice, it does far less damage than smoking a cigarette!


you can read all the studies online you want, but I'm never going to listen to a man who doesn't smoke or barely drinks who is trying to advise me about the dangers of drugs! You are like an elephant telling a bird how to fly!!

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Ha ha shooting club!!?? Whats more dangerous? Guns or a joint!? Can't think of anything more dangerous than some "clean living good guy" like yourself toting a shotgun! You don't even qualify for an opinion on this subject anyway, if you've never had it and you've never known anyone to die or suffer directly from using it then how can you insist cannabis is SO dangerous!? Do thousands and thousands of people in the Netherlands die or suffer from psychosis compared to any other country?? Would like to see the percentages....case closed. If something SO lethal was legal as it is in Holland and freely used by millions i think they'd have a few more problems don't you? Im off to gun down some animals now, bye.


I know! The cheek of the guy! We share the odd joint from time to time, never hurt of killed anyone and he goes off to a shooting club! Guns must account for more death than all drugs, including alcohol, put together!


If anything should be made illegal it's guns! With or without a licence!!

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And now we must call love a drug because 'Bryan Ferry' said so in a song:loopy:


But just for the record can you show me a dictionary where it defines alcohol as a drug






Alcohol is our favourite drug. Most of us use it for enjoyment, but for some of us, drinking can become a serious problem.



In fact, alcohol causes much more harm than illegal drugs like heroin and cannabis. It is a tranquilliser, it is addictive, and is the cause of many hospital admissions for physical illnesses and accidents.






about alcohol

Alcohol is the most commonly-used drug in the world and can be bought legally in Britain by people over 18.


Small amounts of alcohol can have a beneficial health effect. But people are often surprised to learn that alcohol is a depressant.




Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol, is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid. It is a powerful psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs. Best known as the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, it is also used in thermometers, as a solvent, and as an alcohol fuel.


the list goes on.

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And chewing tobacco is a big cause of mouth, throat and stomach cancer.


Only tobacco that has been fire cured or toasted.


Swedish Snus, an oral tobacco product, does not increase the risk of cancer to the mouth throat or stomach (tongue, oesophagus, salivary glands, or indeed any maxillo-gastro-thoracic cancers.


It's all down to Tobacco Specific Nitrous Amines. If the tobacco isn't toasted or roasted, burnt or charred, then it's not directly carcinogenic.


But it's still illegal to sell Swedish Snus anywhere in the EU. Figure that one out if you can.

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What an irresponsible post, cannabis damages your lungs far more than tobacco does.

When I get back from my shooting club I'll post a factual comparrison account between the two.


but the title of the thread is..

please stay on topic.

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Yes I know but the trouble is convincing some people, despite the evidence given in those pages, that what they say is wrong especially when it come to saying that alcohol is not a drug.


So why do YOU think cannabis is dangerous as all you are doing is posting one link and quoting spin from it. The report suggests a link that's all and that is nowhere near saying its proof.

There is also documented proof regarding to the greater damage smoking cannabis does to your lungs compared to cigarettes.

Along with the psychosis issue cannabis seems to be quite a nasty piece of work, it will be interesting to see what else can be attributed to cannabis in the health stakes.

Obviously those with a cannbis agenda will poo, poo all of this but that's what people with an agenda do.:suspect:

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but the title of the thread is..

please stay on topic.

I try to but from way back when Magilla started the usual ("Let's hijack the thread this guys too near the truth for comfort") game that those with an agenda play the usual hijacking game and threads usualy get closed.
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