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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Actually I think it should be taxed, one of the reasons why it needs a different legal classification to what it has now.


I couldn't agree more and would add that people should be able to grow it under license for their own use without the prospect of prosecution.

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I couldn't agree more and would add that people should be able to grow it under license for their own use without the prospect of prosecution.


I dont' have a problem with that, it'd cost considerably more to grow your own over commercially cultivated stuff so I don't think it'd appeal to criminals as it does now.

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How does eating it destroy your lungs?




Since you can eat it if you so desire, that is patently nonsense in terms of the danger you highlight.

How many people eat instead of smoke Cannabis?
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What the governments don't like about cannabis is that it can change your perspective on life and make people more likely to question authority and the way things are done.

And alochol doesn't when take to excess.?

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How many people eat instead of smoke Cannabis?

plenty do, its a difference of use


ive smoked it in joints, bongs, hot knives

eaten it

had it in hot chocolate, live yoghurt, on pizzas, in cakes etc etc


its by far strongest eating it, plus its harder to regulate it when eating

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By smoking cannabis, you might think its a harmless enjoyment, but the truth is, by seeking it you enter the drug world, even if its just soft drugs you seek, you will be exposed to the pernicious associations that permeate that culture.

Good heavens you'll be hung drawn and quartered everyday for a week with that post.

All the cannabis users/pushers will be after you.

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Good heavens you'll be hung drawn and quartered everyday for a week with that post.

All the cannabis users/pushers will be after you.


but hot has apoint, been there done that hung around with "real" druggies, thieves etc etc, bought stuff off the streets with menace hanging over your head, been attacked, held up




cos its illegal and so thrusts you into the drugs underworld, with the violent criminals, thieves, psychos, gangsters, crack heads, smack heads etc etc


and guess what? no psychosis :D

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Of course it does - except for the OP who would continue to pretend otherwise even if a posse of top scientists and dictionary compilers were to tattoo 'alcohol is a drug' on his forehead.


Why? Because he has a false position to maintain and he's scared of the truth.


So let me get this right......


Alcohol is an intoxicating substance that alters mind and body when consumed, just like cannabis. But alcohol is not a drug, so an alcoholic is not a drug addict!?


Does that mean that glue sniffers are addicted to stationary?

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So let me get this right......


Alcohol is an intoxicating substance that alters mind and body when consumed, just like cannabis. But alcohol is not a drug, so an alcoholic is not a drug addict!?


Does that mean that glue sniffers are addicted to stationary?

You're trying to deal logically with someone who isn't logical about the subject. There is no way that Bassman will ever answer any question about cannibis use or drug taking in general sensibly because as an ex addict he is terrified he might have to confront issues he really isn't comfortable confronting. His fear rules him
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