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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Quite so, though research would suggest it's safer than doing so after consuming alcohol.


I never said anything to the contrary but would be interested if you could prove that point.

Driving under the influence of either is not safe but I which is safer than the other behind the wheel I wouldn't know and doubt you do either.

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Does it mention Alcohol if so show me where, in other words put up or shut up!


I've put up, as have many others over multiple threads tens of times.


I'll spell it out in terms even a child can understand.


1... Alcohol is an intoxicant.

2... A drug is anything that acts as an intoxicant.




That you are unable to make this utterly simple and straight forward connection shows you're either so moronically stupid that you can't reasonably comprehend anything, or you're bending the truth because you know your point of view is indefenceable or at the very least, hypocritical.

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Common sense, the law, but hey you float away in your dream world.:roll::roll:.

I am 100% confident that anyone with a glimmer of common sense would say it is not safe to drive when you have had a joint.;);)..


Who needs statistical research when we have 'common sense' as defined by the Daily Mail, and your argumenmt is strengthened further by the posting of many 'rolling eyes.'

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The Abstract of the paper in question, in case anyone cares:

Objective To determine whether use of cannabis in adolescence increases the risk for psychotic outcomes by affecting the incidence and persistence of subclinical expression of psychosis in the general population (that is, expression of psychosis below the level required for a clinical diagnosis).
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Driving under the influence of either is not safe but I which is safer than the other behind the wheel I wouldn't know and doubt you do either.


I'm sure someone will come along with the relevant link.


Research has been done on the subject, and I'm confident my assessment is correct. If you don't agree, that's fine.

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