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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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I'm actually very sober :P


~But I really didn't/ don't get what point the poster was trying to get across~


I've re-read that bit of the thread and kind of agree,


imo It should have been 'legalised' then there would be a choice for people to make at the moment there are very few.


growing it yourself can present considerable risk to your freedom,

buying it often puts you in contact with people you'd rather not associate with,

If there was the option of going to Boots and buying a set amount at a set strength knowing where it came from where the profits go to and that society as a whole would benefit-directly and indirectly- then I'd wager that people would choose option 3.


There will always be a criminal element in any trade of any goods as taxes/overheads mean you can undercut legitimate business. but on the whole most people would be happy to see some form of sensible regulation.

Smoking Cannabis does more damage to your lungs that Tobacco, Fact! and you want it legalised on the open market when the governmemt is struggling to get the less harmfull tobacco used less.

And you question my logic.

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.........who knows what its like, what experience has been gained from it etc etc


also a long term ALCOHOL user


Maybe so but you're more likely to get tooth decay from shandies than from taking drugs although mouth cancer is a likely result from chewing crack but much worse than tooth decay.

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no he has said NOTHING about the topic in hand BUT pitched two almost identical things i said against one another...thats trolling
And how much are you on topic withe your comments? let me remind you what the topic is about.


‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' Cannabis & Psychosis is well established, until now it has been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This research strongly suggests that the use of Cannabis comes 1st rather than taking it for the symptoms.


Using Cannabis as a teenager or a young adult increases the risk of psychosis, a report suggests.


The study is published in the 'British Medical Journal' involving 1900 people over a 10yr period.


Although the link between Cannabis & Psychosis is well-established until now it had been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This report strongly suggests that Cannabis use comes 1st, rather than people taking it for the symptoms...

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Quote:Originally Posted by Kaimani

what's a pro drug stance, B?



somebody who reports the negatives AND positives of drugs not just blindly mouthing the red tops papers mantra of all drugs are evil obviously


Did you mean that or as you were typing are you maybe continuing with something you started on years.

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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' Cannabis & Psychosis is well established, until now it has been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This research strongly suggests that the use of Cannabis comes 1st rather than taking it for the symptoms.


Using Cannabis as a teenager or a young adult increases the risk of psychosis, a report suggests.


The study is published in the 'British Medical Journal' involving 1900 people over a 10yr period.


Although the link between Cannabis & Psychosis is well-established until now it had been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This report strongly suggests that Cannabis use comes 1st, rather than people taking it for the symptoms...



Suggestions suggestions.



From your contributions within the thread may I 'suggest' you're one nut short of a bolt. :hihi:

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And how much are you on topic withe your comments? let me remind you what the topic is about.


‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' Cannabis & Psychosis is well established, until now it has been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This research strongly suggests that the use of Cannabis comes 1st rather than taking it for the symptoms.


Using Cannabis as a teenager or a young adult increases the risk of psychosis, a report suggests.


The study is published in the 'British Medical Journal' involving 1900 people over a 10yr period.


Although the link between Cannabis & Psychosis is well-established until now it had been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This report strongly suggests that Cannabis use comes 1st, rather than people taking it for the symptoms...


errrrm apart from your op YOU havent been on topic aswell, its ok blaming the opposition


to be on topic.............in my personal experience.........sort of, personally ive not encounted any psychosis, but friends HAVE encountered mental health problems due to drugs, not sure if they already had em tho or the drugs "created" it

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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' Cannabis & Psychosis is well established, until now it has been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This research strongly suggests that the use of Cannabis comes 1st rather than taking it for the symptoms.


Using Cannabis as a teenager or a young adult increases the risk of psychosis, a report suggests.


The study is published in the 'British Medical Journal' involving 1900 people over a 10yr period.


Although the link between Cannabis & Psychosis is well-established until now it had been unclear whether Cannabis triggers the disorder.


This report strongly suggests that Cannabis use comes 1st, rather than people taking it for the symptoms...


Suggesting it does and proving it does is completely different. The title "Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk in teenagers" is totally misleading as there is no proof that it does. However there is proof that teenagers who may be predisposed to suffer psychosis may suffer earlier by taking it. As far as I'm aware there has been no report or data published about psychotic teenagers taking cannabis to ease their symptoms.


Given that fact, cannabis could be usefully used to screen teenagers for possible latent psychosis by showing the symptoms up earlier.

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errrrm apart from your op YOU havent been on topic aswell, its ok blaming the opposition


to be on topic.............in my personal experience.........sort of, personally ive not encounted any psychosis, but friends HAVE encountered mental health problems due to drugs, not sure if they already had em tho or the drugs "created" it

I've been replying to the usual thread hijackers who always do this when they've nowt to contribute.
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