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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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no i never, i said people who post about the pluses and negatives get classed as pro by yourself, which again i have done above


i for one have NEVER said yes kids take cannabis its great, i have always said yes ive done it and this is my experience....both good and bad, to me thats the most honest and fair way of approaching the subject

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no i never, i said people who post about the pluses and negatives get classed as pro by yourself

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Originally Posted by Kaimani

what's a pro drug stance, B?


somebody who reports the negatives AND positives of drugs not just blindly mouthing the red tops papers mantra of all drugs are evil obviously


Remember now?

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Correlation does not equal causation.


The evidence that wearing jeans leads to psychosis is equally compelling.


There have been many studies promoting the link between cannabis use and the onset of schizophrenia.


It is not the quantity of scientific studies that matters though, it is the quality. As stated in some of my other marijuana myth posts there are three criteria that need to be satisfied in order to prove causality, these are:




Temporal Antecedence



and Isolation.



Association means the cause and effect must occur together, temporal antecedence means the effect must follow the cause and isolation means all other causes must be ruled out. The first two can be shown for pretty much anything.


For example if I performed a raindance and it rained later in the day I have satisfied association and temporal antecedence but not isolation.


Therefore I cannot scientifically prove that my raindance worked.


If raindances were a controversial topic the media would then publish the “study” and the headline would read



“Recent Study Suggests that Raindance Leads to precipitation”.


Sounds ridiculous right?


Well that is exactly what has been happening with the hundreds of “studies” on cannabis and schizophrenia.

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Its nothing to do with anyone if cannabis is used in the privacy of your own home by adults. I don't think anyone is claiming that any drug is harmless. The fact is though that alcohol is far more dangerous....


This topic is about ‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

although as usual the hijackers have taken over as per usual

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oh give over, it was sarcasm lol........i was taking the ****




you really need to get wrecked and open your mind, chill out

So after trying to wreck a topic you now admit to resoting to sarcasm.

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