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‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk' in teenagers

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Wrong he crashed his car whilst high on Cannabis.


This topic is about ‘Cannabis Raises Psychosis Risk'


You don't seem bothered that the person I am replying to took it off topic, perhaps because they are broadly supportiung your view that canavbis shopuld be illegal? Who would have imagines that someone who thinks alcohol isn't a drug because it is legal could display such double standards?

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Not being a partaker of the habit I dont know, maybe you should google the report for more info.
I'm asking you. Is it a lot of cannibis or just a small amount? One joint a day? An ounce a day? quanitfy the risk so we know what is safe otherwise you're just making claims with no backup or proof
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Show me the stastical research.


I'm not the one claiming it either is or isn't dangerous to drive on canabis. You are. Presumably you have based this belief on some information. The onus is therefore on you to share it.

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You don't seem bothered that the person I am replying to took it off topic, perhaps because they are broadly supportiung your view that canavbis shopuld be illegal? Who would have imagines that someone who thinks alcohol isn't a drug because it is legal could display such double standards?


How does the mental effect of a drug imparing peoples ability to drive safely take this thread off topic.

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I'm asking you. Is it a lot of cannibis or just a small amount? One joint a day? An ounce a day? quanitfy the risk so we know what is safe otherwise you're just making claims with no backup or proof
Read the report in reply #6
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