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Friends of Bishops House Community Heritage Weekend

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The Friends of Bishops House are holding a Community Heritage Weekend at the House during the weekend of 26/27 March. More details here




This will be a superb weekend for all ages and we hope to find out lots more about this fascinating old building.


If you'd like to get involved, just turn up on the day (everything is free) or use the contact page on the site if you have any questions. We are always looking for new members, there's a form on the site you can use, or join at the event.

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i would like to say that my father and mother lived in bishops house untill 1947 when they then moved to bolehill farm on cobnar rd ,my father was a park keeper but spent most of the time in burma in the 2nd world war ,but both my brother and sister lived in bishop house, i was not born till 1948 so am not able to give you much information ,unfortunately i will not be able to make the weekend i live in lincolnshire now and have a poorly husband .

i hope all goes well with the communitl heritage weekend .

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Hi I know you weren't born till after your family moved out of Bishops House but even a photo of your parents would be good if you have one I can have a copy of.


Any family stories about living in the house and what type of work your father did. All would be good. At the moment we know more about who lived in the 17th century than the 19th and 20th. The house's history didn't stop in the tudors.


Anyone who has photos stories about the house especially in the 20th century please let me know. I can pm you with my email address.


FOBH historian.

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i have a brother and sister that lived in the house , i will get intouch with them and see what they can remember , they still live in sheffield ,my sister lives off scarsdale rd and my brother lives in worksop which is not far.

if you would give me your email i will pass it onto my brother if that is ok with you .

i don't know anything about bishop house but may be they can .

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It's a good cause, but I would question the use of the words buzz words 'community' and 'heritage'.


And why do you only want support from local people?


The technique of dating glass by X-ray fluorescence sounds interesting. Do you know any more?

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The funding came from You Choose a local community fund. But as far as FOBH is concerned our community covers the whole of Sheffield. Everyone is welcome. There is a bit about the glass flourescence on our FOBH website but if you really want to Know about it come and see for yourself

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Please do. This is our first big event. Already Bishops House is getting up to a 100 on the special days MS is having and other weekends the numbers are going up, but a really big event would really push the point home that this is a place worth preserving.


Plus if we get a good crowd it will help us raise interest and funding for more events.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's a good cause, but I would question the use of the words buzz words 'community' and 'heritage'. And why do you only want support from local people?


People like buzz words ;)


BH *is* a key part of sheffields heritage - we've lost so many of our old buildings, it's vital we keep this one. We're trying to get the community involved in our work, maybe helping volunteer time within the building. I think it's key to get local people on board, but this is by no means an exclusive club - we have members from all round the country.


We have a forum on our site, feel free to register & share your thoughts with us - the more debate, the better decisions we will reach.



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I hear the Council now wants to take Bishops' House from out of the Museums budget, & substitute drastically reduced funding that may only allow Sunday opening. I can understand this being a soft target for cuts, but if this goes through without enabling & supporting increased community involvement, it really is a slap in the face for the existing Friends group, & typically shortsighted as far as developing heritage tourism is concerned.

It's good to see Beauchief Abbey being repaired, but I passed the ruins of the old wheel below Whirlow Bridge the other day, & reflected on SCC's past record of looking after historic monuments: can't they try a bit harder?


Geoffrey White,

Rector of Norton.

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