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Car problems with dealer

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hi i bought a ford galaxy tdi on the 20th of dec with 3 months warrenty , on my car invoice the dealer wrote 3 months warrenty and he said the booklet would follow this was in the deal on the car

on driving it home the car went into limp mode as i turned the car off and back on it reset all was well but then mins later it did it again , i rang him straight away he said bring it back after the hols in the new year as everyone was on hol at the garage , on him taking the car back no faults was found on my diesel he used up driving it about

he said it was prob due to the cold weather we had had , it was on the forcourt for a month through the cold spel

anyway it did it again at the end of jan , so he asked the garage next door to have a look , they plugged it into there machine and the dealer said there was no faults again but when i went to the garage to pick my car up the mechanic said there was a turbo boost problem , i runs the dealer straight away and he said the mechanic never said that to him , he said if it does it again he would put me a new turbo on the car , it had a fuse box wire fire that he paid for in feb at a cost of about £100 , but also in feb it did the limp mode turbo boost fault again so this time i took it straight to the garage in limp mode and the fault came up on the machine but now hes saying hes not paying for anymore on the car and ive got to pay to fix my turbo , basiccly it needs taking off and de carboning and refitting (a common problem on these cars) , but now hes saying hes loosing money on this car , and i forgot to mention that we have never recieved any warrenty booklet yet even though ive asked him several times since dec.

i think its never been under any warrenty or why would he say hes no money to repair my car , hes saying its wear and tear and any warrenty will not touch the turbo

but my argument is its done it from day 1

my wife has asked him for the warrenty name and he said he will send us a blank copy out but this isnt good enough we want our actual warent for our car ,

ive only got a few weeks left what should i do

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there was a similar thing like this on Pistonheads. Same situation as the dealer wouldnt repair car, but the advice he got was to get a lawyer and keep asking and keeping records of phone calls or letters sent, get some legal advice.

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I hate aftermarket warranties. Have you phoned the warranty company up, explained what work needs doing on the car and ask if they'd cover it? You'll need the policy number, which your dealer should be able to give you (unless he never put one on in the first place, which sounds likely). These mickey mouse warranties are generally a load of carp and the garage will probably ask you to pay for all the repairs and then claim your money back from the warranty company, which is why I suggest you double check that they'll cover the work. Regardless, if the garage wants a diagnosis fee I don't think that comes under the warranty. If you can't get it sorted this way then personally I would just reject the car as not fit for purpose.

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I hate aftermarket warranties. Have you phoned the warranty company up, explained what work needs doing on the car and ask if they'd cover it? You'll need the policy number, which your dealer should be able to give you (unless he never put one on in the first place, which sounds likely). These mickey mouse warranties are generally a load of carp and the garage will probably ask you to pay for all the repairs and then claim your money back from the warranty company, which is why I suggest you double check that they'll cover the work. Regardless, if the garage wants a diagnosis fee I don't think that comes under the warranty. If you can't get it sorted this way then personally I would just reject the car as not fit for purpose.


like i say hes not given me the name nor sent me and warrenty booklet he kept saying hell chase it up

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like i say hes not given me the name nor sent me and warrenty booklet he kept saying hell chase it up


If he refuses to give you the name of the company or the policy number then it's quite obvious there is no warranty and I'd call him out on this and get legal advice at the same time.

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ive only got a few weeks left what should i do


Take it somewhere else and get it independantly tested for any faults. Get a detailed report. You'll have to pay for this yourself.


When the results come back, and assuming a fault is diagnosed, send a copy of the report by recorded delivery to the original seller, and ask them to arrange repair within the next two weeks. Remind them that this is their only opportunity to repair the vehicle.


Do not contact the seller further. Just wait.


If nothing happens, get three quotes for repair and pay for the repair from the middle priced quote. Then sue the original seller for the repair and any costs you've had to bear (like the independant report). Use https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome to begin your claim, it's quick, easy and cheap.


Do not be fobbed off by them saying they can do it in 3 weeks or anything like that, it merely muddies the water and causes more hassle for you in the long term.

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There was never an actual warranty.


As a consumer you have rights under the Sale of Goods Act.


Follow Andymods link.


The fault was obviously there at the point of sale so the dealer is liable for the cost of repair.


Have you got any paperwork re. the problems.


Send them a letter (see link above for templates) by registered post asking for the car to be repaired to a satisfactory standard. It doesn't matter if he is losing money on the car he should have sorted the problem before selling it.

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